
44 1 13

A.n. Trigger warning for like almost every common trigger possible

"Hey, fag!" someone calls to him, slamming him into the lockers. Ryan looks up. "What do you want, Brent?" he monotonously asks, keeping the fear out of his voice.

"For you to not exist, you ugly nerd. You don't deserve to exist, so do us all a favor and kill yourself!" Brent fumes.

"Brent, please stop talking to yourself and tell me what you want so I can get my stuff done," Ryan says, hiding how much it hurt. 'Sticks and stones can break my bones but words never hurt me' his foot, he thought. Words hurt just as much, sometimes more than physical pain. He should know, he's been abused physically, verbally, emotionally, and mentally.

"You smug little fag, you think you're all that? Well you're not, you're nothing but trash," Brent says in a low tone, right before he punches Ryan right in the jaw and drops him to the ground. He continuously kicks Ryan's body until there's a voice from behind.

"Brent, that's enough," his friend Ethan calls. "Let's go, before someone comes and sees."

With one last kick to Ryan's gut, he leaves. Ryan slowly gets up, wincing in pain but ignoring it. Brendon was probably going to get to school soon, and they usually meet at his locker. He trudges over to his locker and puts his stuff away.

He closes his locker and turns around to find a boy with a large forehead, plump lips, and red framed glasses in his face. Ryan yelps a little louder than he's comfortable with and jumps back.

"Brendon!" Ryan squeals, cheeks tinting. "What was that for? You scared me!!"
Brendon chuckles. "That was the intention, genius," he says, playfully hitting Ryan's arm. The contact makes Ryan's chest flutter. He's had a crush on Brendon since he met him, which was exactly September 1st at 8:17 am in 6th grade. They had met in front of their lockers when Ryan was putting his brand new school supplies into his locker and dropped his notebook. Brendon, who had the locker next to him, picked it up and handed it to him.

"Th- thanks," Ryan had stuttered to the beautiful boy before him, looking him in the eye for half a second before looking away.

"Yeah, no problem," Brendon replied, heart fluttering at the eye contact.
Ryan had finished putting his stuff away and was just about to leave when Brendon spoke up. "I'm Brendon, by the way."

"Uh, I'm Ryan," he says, offering a shy smile.

"Wanna compare schedules?" Brendon had asked, his heart beating rapidly. He had fell hard for the kid within a few seconds of knowing him, not knowing Ryan had done the same.

It's been over four long years since that day and they both haven't picked each other up yet.

"Wait, Ryan, what happened to your jaw? It's bruised? Are you okay?"

"It's nothing, I'm fine," Ryan says, avoiding eye contact.

"Don't lie to me," Brendon says sternly.

"It was Brent," Ryan miserably mumbles. "But it's okay cause he only punched me on my jaw once, nothing else."

"Ryan, why would you think that's okay? That's never okay! I'm gonna beat that piece of-"

"Brendon, seriously, don't. If I ever need you to play bodyguard for me," he says, adding finger quotes with the word 'bodyguard', "then I'll let you know."
"You only need me as your bodyguard cause you're a skinny twig that weighs literally only two pounds."

"Brendon, just promise me."

"Fine, I promise," Brendon says.

Ryan tries to change the subject. "Wanna compare schedules?" he asks. It's the second half of the year (which starts a week before Valentines Day) and every half year the school changes some schedules according to how kids are doing in class.

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