Chapter 8

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Alex pov

I woke up with my whole body. I wonder why

Dr. O'Malley was checking my chart when I needed to go to the bathroom so bad

"Whereas Grace???" I asked Dr. O'Malley

"She went to the drug store to get you a couple of medicine" He said

"Crap" I mumble

"And.... Whereas Rami??" I asked

"With the master" He said and I rolled my eyes

I try to move on my own but my body hurt so much

"Do you need something???" He asked me

"No.... I'm fine" I said

I start to move around the bed trying to forget the feeling

"Alex tell me what's wrong?? he asked me

"I need to use the bathroom"I said

Grace is the one that takes me to the bathroom and helps me to shower all the time

" I'll take you" He said waking to me

"No" I said

"Why not???" He asked me

"Since what the master did to me I'm scared to be naked with a guy infront of me

"Alex I'm not gonna hurt you" He said

"I don't know that"I said

"Alex please you have to go to the bathroom"He said

" I'll wait for Grace" I said

"Ok fine" He said sitting on hia chair

I try my best to think about anything else except for the fact that I need to pee but I can't hold it

"Fine please take me"I said

Dr. O'Malley quickly stand up and carry me to the bathroom, he places me down and closes the door

"Turn around"I said

"Yeah.... Right" He said turning around

I finish and I try to stand up but I couldn't my hipa were hurting so bad

I try my best again but pain takes over

"SHIT" I groan loudly

"You ok??" Dr. O'Malley asked me

"No..... My hips hurt" I said

"Can I help you??" He asked me

"No... I mean yes..... I don't know" I said

"Ok look I'll close my eyes and help you up" He said

"Yeah good idea" I said

He turn around with his eyes close and helps me to stand up I pull my underwear and jeans up

I was my hands and Dr. O'Malley takes me out the bathroom

" I'm here" Grace said entering my room

"Great..... Because Alex is gonna take a walk" Dr. O'Malley

" I'm sorry what?!?!" I said

"Alex if you don't move your hips now later on you're not gonna be able to sit up" He said and I groan

"Now I'll go get you water or juice to take this pill while Grace helps you dress" Dr. O'Malley said walking out

Grace bring me clothes and helps me t get dress

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