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Asiyah looked at herself for the millionth time in the mirror. Gianna had convinced her to go to the party Kaz was throwing and she was already having second thoughts.

She knew the only reason she was going was to see Dorian. And she wasn't sure if that was a good idea. He still hadn't texted or called her and she figured he had lost interest. So why was she even going to the party?

Asiyah ran her fingers through her long hair that Gianna had installed for her the night before. She decided to keep it casual with her outfit. She put on a Moschino sweater, a plain pair of jeans, and her white Yeezys. Looking at herself in the mirror now and comparing it to how she looked a few months ago, she was proud of the process she made. She was still in recovery though and it would be a while before she was 100% again.

Her phone pinged and she looked down at it, seeing a message from Gianna telling her she was outside. She grabbed her phone and side bag, and left out the room.

As she was headed down the steps, Martha was coming up. She looked as if she was headed to bed.

"I'll be back, I'm just goin' to this little get together with Gianna,"

Martha looked at her as if she wanted to say something but she didn't. Instead she just nodded her head and kept walking.

Asiyah walked out the house and into the car, greeting Gianna and they pulled off.

No more than a half hour later, they pulled up to this lounge called Bamboo. It was a bunch of foreign cars parked in the parking lot and that alone would have made the old Asiyah excited. Now, she was just shaking her head because she just knew it was a bunch of bitches in there trying to be seen.

Gianna parked her car in the designated spot that Kaz had left for her and got out. She was wearing a pair of ripped up denim jeans, a white v neck, and a pair of Chanel sandals. She had dressed her outfit up with a gold link bracelet and matching necklace.

She looked at herself in the window of the car that was beside hers.

"You think I look too plain?"

Asiyah looked at her. "I mean, you are plain but you look cute. Didn't you say it was just a chillin' thing? I'm plain too."

Gianna nodded her head and shrugged her shoulders simultaneously. She really didn't give a fuck, both her and Asiyah was pretty as hell and would break necks wherever they went, no matter what they had on.

They walked towards the entrance and it was quiet, but as soon as security opened the door, the music blared out. Lil Durk Habit was playing loudly throughout the lounge and you could hear everybody singing along.

The pair made their way through the crowd and to the bar.

"A shot of Remy," Gianna told the bar tender.

She pulled out her phone to text Kaz and see where he was at because she could spot him in none of the sections.

"You not drinkin'?"

Asiyah shook her head no, knowing how she could be when she got drunk and she was not about to make a scene at this party.

"Come on," Gianna said looking down at her phone. She led Asiyah all the way to the back of the lounge into this part of the club that was sectioned off.

Just as they were walking up, Kaz was whispering something in security ear and he opened the ropes for them.

It was only Kaz and Kiyan in the section. Kiyan had a girl on his arm and they were all boo'd up that they didn't even see Kaz and the girls walk up.

"Look at this tender ass nigga," Kaz joked. Kiyan looked at him with a smirk and gave him the finger.

"Y'all thirsty? Hungry?" Kaz asked. Asiyah shook her head no while Gianna sat there and thought about it.

"I forgot she don't talk," Kaz said.

Asiyah laughed, "I talk, don't be a asshole,"

"Oh so you just not talking 'cause ya man not here?"

Asiyah scrunched up her face, "Who my man?"

The group laughed. "Yo don't try and play my brother," Kiyan said.

"Speaking of the devil.." Gianna mumbled.

Asiyah turned her head to the entrance of the section and saw Dorian walking up. She damn near passed out looking at how good he looked. He was dressed simple, but on him? It looked like a million bucks. A fresh pair of wheat Tims, a black fitted t-shirt, and some acid washed denim jeans.

"Pick ya mouth up sis," Kiyan joked.

The group laughed loudly because they all noticed it but Asiyah just rolled her eyes and turned back around.

"Wassup y'all," Dorian spoke to Kiyan and Kaz. "Ladies, how y'all doin?"

"I'm good," Gianna and Kiyan side piece said at the same time.

Asiyah didn't say nothing, she just sat there and looked into her phone. She felt like she deserved more than a 'how y'all doing' but she wasn't going to make a big deal out of it.

Dorian sat on the big wrap around couch, across from Asiyah. The energy at the table was awkward because neither Dorian or Asiyah had said anything to each other but the tension between the two was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Um.. so what we celebrating?" Gianna asked to ease the awkwardness. She already knew what the celebration was for but she was really just trying to start a conversation.

"My brother here," He pointed to Dorian, "Is opening up a lil community center so I wanted to celebrate my mans for givin' back to his community."

Kaz held up his drink and everybody else grabbed theirs and held it up.

"Salud." They all said before throwing back their shots.

"Babe I'm so sorry I took long in the bathroom,"

Everybody's head turned to where the voice was coming from. This red bone with inches coming past her ass was walking up to Dorian.

He pulled her onto his lap and they shared a kiss.

Asiyah was taken back. She knew that her and Dorian had just met, they weren't exclusive and they agreed to a friendship but damn. There was a such thing as respect and this right here, was disrespectful as hell.

Asiyah held her composure though, and just got up and left the section. As she was walking away, she heard a little whisper say, 'that's fucked up.'

Making a bee line straight to the door, she left out feeling the cool breeze on her skin. The night was still young but she was just ready to go home. 

"Leaving already?"

She turned around to see who was talking to her and did a small smirk.

"Yeah, I ain't really feelin' the vibe in there.."

Brysen nodded. He flicked the ashes off his Black n' Mild and smiled at Asiyah. She was one of the prettiest females he had met in a while and it was plus that she was dark skinned, just his type.

"Why you smilin' at me?"

He shrugged, "I'm just admirin' ya beauty. If I'm staring, it's definitely a good reason for it."

Asiyah felt her cheeks burn a little and thanked God for blessing her with her with her skin tone.

"Let's go get some food,"

"How you know I wanna go eat wit you?" She asked.

"Females don't turn down food, especially free shit," They laughed.

He grabbed the small of her back and led her to his Audi that sat right near the entrance.

Asiyah didn't even put up a fight. She was so into the moment she was having with Brysen that she didn't even notice Dorian coming out the club after her.

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