Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The cup of tea was simmering, just like love boiling in my heart for the boys.

The reason I wanted them to stop was because I loved them, and I knew later on, this would damage them. Maybe not physically but mentally and emotionally.

I sipped my tea. The warm liquid traveled around my mouth causing it to be burning hot, and making me bite my tongue.

"Son of a Bitch, that was hot..." I grumbled.

"Are you okay, ma'am?" The barista asked, as she paused cleaning the table next to me.

I stopped for a second. Did she just call me ma'am?

"Oh god I'm not a young kid anymore!" I thought looking down at myself.

After I finished my cup of tea I grabbed a cab to take me back to the house. The nanny was done working at 3, because that's the time I usually get home from "work" or at least where she thinks I come from.

"Good afternoon Marissia"

The nanny smiled, her crooked teeth peeking from under her pale lips. The twins stood in there cribs peeking out with big grins on their faces.

Marissia held Leyna tightly in her arms, holding a bottle to her mouth.

"Hello Mrs. McCartney, I'll be going, now that I know the kids are in good arms." She winked with a smile.

I shot her a smile back and took Leyna from her arms.

"I'll be back here at 7 o' clock Mrs. McCartney."

"Thank you Marissia." I waved goodbye as she walked out the baby room.

Seven rolled by quickly and soon Paul and I were out, in a limousine, traveling to some charity event the boys took part in.

"You look beautiful tonight as always Amelia." Paul gently lifted my hand and planted a soft peck on the top of it.

"You're so charming Paul..." I giggled grabbing his cheeks and pulling him in for a kiss.

He ran his fingers through my hair as I passionately kissed him.

I pulled away after a minute or so and smiled.

"Let's not get me too tired out before the charity event." I giggled smoothing out my dress.

He didn't say anything except he gave me a little wink.

The charity event was beautiful. All the people were all dressed up in long ball gowns and tuxes.

"How long do we have to stay here?" John moaned.

His date, a little Japanese woman by the name of Yoko Ono chimed in.

"Honey, peace remember, no anger be happy to be alive."

I rolled my eyes at her nonsense.

As you can tell, I liked Cynthia better.

"May I have this dance, Amelia?" Paul asked extending his warm hand toward me.

"Of course you may." I slipped my small hand into his large one. He led me to the middle of the dance floor and spun me around. I laughed, losing every care in the world. I just wanted to be there.

"I love you so much Paul."

"I love you so much too." He smiled and planted a kiss on my petite lips.

The night wound down, after about an hour of dancing and dinner, which lasted about 2 hours.

"We really need to get home honey." I whispered in Paul's ear hoping he'd overhear among the music and chatter.

"I know, let me finish this glass of wine and we can be on our way."

I frowned, examining his glass.

It looked as if he had just received it, no sips were taken from it and there were no drips of red wine anywhere on the glass.

"Honey, come on. Knowing Marissia she's probably wondering where we are."

"Fine, I'll call you a cab and I'll meet you at home." He moaned placing his wine on the table and grabbing my hand.

"No, I want to go with you. It's too late for me to be out by myself."

I could sense his annoyance by the way he held himself. His shoulders were drooping, along with his eyes.

"Fine..." He placed the wine glass on the table gently and waved goodbye to the boys.

"I shouldn't have pulled you away from that party."

Paul sighed kindly, cradling Winston carefully as he walked around the room.

"No no I was being rude and I apologize, I should've gone right when you said so."

I could see a little glimmer of sadness in his eyes which made me instantly place a light kiss on his cheek.

"Why don't you put the baby down and we can go to bed? I'm very tired." I yawned.

He placed the baby in the crib then gently lifted me up off the ground and carried me into the bedroom.

"I love you so much Amelia." He pronounced kissing my neck.

"I love you too Paul."

As we laid in bed we stared at each other, blinking simultaneously so neither of us could miss a second looking at each other.

"Do you like Yoko?" I croaked my voice a little hoarse from speaking so much.

"Not at all... She's too peace type for me and I don't think she's doing John any good..." He mustered.

I nodded.

"She's not as good for him as Cyn was. Cyn was his soul mate, but they had too many issues. If only they could've worked it out." He added wrapping his arms around me.

"We worked it out and look where we are now!" I giggled kissing Paul's chin.

I was glad to be back with my family.

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