xii ) Lylian

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XII : Façade

The prince ask her out for a walk.

Lylian wants to scream out in five languages; Common Tongue, Dothraki, Valyrian, Braavosi, and Yi Tish.

Can't he just leave her in peace?

"Of course, my prince." She answered, putting on a shy façade and smile as innocently as she can.

No matter what, she have to hide every odd feelings under her mask and express only the good ones.

Gladly, she's good at this kind of stuff.

A lot of celebrations that she had to attend and faced some sarcastic, backbiting ladies required some of these shy and innocent façades. It would help her slip away from the scene or get any information she wants.

Finally, her meal is over.

Lylian silently sighed as she put her knife and fork away, holding up a handkerchief to wipe her mouth.

At last she can't stop time.

Viserys' pale, strong and beautiful hands offered to her, elegantly and softly.

She responded by laying her palm onto his and smiled to him.

"Let's get going." He smiled.

Standing up, her face turns to her father.

"Father, if you would excuse us."

"Go, dear daughter."

And so, Lylian walked away with the silver-haired prince, her hand in his.

They moved through the hallways, corridors and gardens. His boots traveled on the floor with quite a fast speed she have to jogged to catch him up.

Her blue eyes turned to the back and found a few servants staring at them.

All of them, as her memories told her, are the servants of her stepmother.

That's why he moved so hurry.

Finally he stopped at one garden she remember is located in the east wing by the anemones.

Viserys leaned down and whispers to her.

"Do you think your mother's servant would follow us further or do you think they lost us?"

She turned her head to the corner of the hallway in front of them, studying it quietly and shook her head softly.

"And the lady Serynna is not my mother. She passed away since I was young."

He nodded.

Limerence ||♞|| Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now