viii ) Viserys

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VIII : Zaephyr

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VIII : Zaephyr

The sound of something cracking in the fire woke Viserys, who's still sitting in front of it, up from his happy nap. He flinched and almost dip his face into the heat but fortunately hurl himself back.

The Targaryen groaned lightly in his throat and rubbed his eyes, staring into the center of the fire.

He blinked at the grey dargon egg which starts to crack and quickly reached out to it, touching it gently as the first piece of the shell fell off.

Viserys lifted the egg, holding it in his palm while the rest of the scaly part opens, revealing something small and alive moving in it.

He stared amazingly at it as that thing stretched itself.

The creature lifted it's eyes and stared at his. They were dark blue, like a pair of precious sparkling sapphires.

He can't help but smile like a crazy man. His heart warmed and all the feelings explode in his chest.

His dragon.

His child.

"Hey, little one." His voice came out scratchy and he suddenly felt the tears formed in his violet eyes.

The little dragon screeched back and starts moving around his palm, exploring it's space.

Viserys observed it, those dark blue eyes and smoky gray scale.

Gods, this kid is perfect.

He carried his dragon and gently patted it's head, putting it onto his chest as he get back to the nearby bed. His pale hand reached to the pillow and turn it up so he could lie down and look at it too.

"Wow." He exclaimed and warp his arm around the warm creature, cradling it like an infant.

"I never thought this would work, you know. Our ancestors just take the eggs to their bedchambers and pray...I don't think they would know that this is the faster way." He started talking to the grey dragon. He (he summarized it's a he with his own imaginations) lifted those big shiny eyes to watch as if he can understand what his father is speaking.

"Dany's going to be smiling ear to ear when she saw this." The Targaryen prince smiled, thinking of his sister's happy and shock face.

And Daenerys did smiled ear to ear.

In the morning, when he carried his dragon up to the deck. She walked to him and tried to tiptoe to look into his arms and see what is inside.

As soon as she met the big pair of blue eyes, she starts making a happy face like the one she had when he handed her her the nameday gift.

"Brother, she's so cute!"

"He. I supposed it's a he."

"What?" Her violet eyes widened.

"Don't you see those big eyes? That's really feminine...I think it's supposed to be female!"

"No one asked for your opinion, Dany." He huffed and lifted his arms up, sending a dragon onto his shoulder.

"But...but I'm the one who told you how to hatch the egg, Viserys! Trust me...she is a female." Daenerys rolled her eyes.

"Whatever sister, he is my dragon, and I have the right to considered him a male."

"Fine, fine then." She put her arms up in a surrender sign.

" the way, brother. Your dragon is big. He is the size of a two-months-old Drogon." Her pale fingers poked in and play with the creature on his shoulders.

"Well, he's going to grow more and more big. I hope he is big enough in the time the war comes so I could ride him." He smiled lightly, running his fingers through the grey dragon's scaly long little neck. It purrs like a cat and move closer to his touch.

"What's the name?" His sister asked.

Crap, he forgot to name him.

Viserys stunned for a few moments and look at his dragon's blue eyes.

Dark, blue, shining eyes.

Like...a pair of precious sapphires.

Then, a name sounded like the jewels came into his mind. And he spoke it out loud.

"Zaephyr...his name's Zaephyr."

"Nice name..." Dany responded. She smiled gently and tiptoed herself again (can't help, his sister is so small...too small) to whispered to him.

"Welcome to the family, Zaephyr."

The dragon Zaephyr is growing fast and strong. It's been just a few weeks but now he can fly with the senior dragon like Rhaegal and Drogon. The size of him increased too, now a size of a one-year-old Drogon.

"Zaephyr, come here." Viserys called. The grey dragon obeyed and flew down to catch a piece of lamb from his father.

Zaephyr threw the lamb chunk into the air and burned it with his dragon fire, cooking it before opening his mouth and swallow it hole right in the sky.

He loves lamb and beef, already chopped or taken the skin off od course, not like Rhaegal and Drogon which prefers fish or whole goat. Zaephyr is really sensitive about the quality of the food and every two to three days a week, he must take a bath.

He's a real daddy's boy. That's what Dany teases.

After finishing his meal, Zaephyr landed on the deck, clinging onto the edge of the ship and rubbed his head on Viserys' hand like a cat.

"You're not a cat, Zaephyr. You're a dragon. A dragon does not act like a cat." He said but patted his son's head back.

The grey dragon make a soft growl in respond and lift up his shining blue eyes to met his violet ones.

Succumbed to the creature's act, the Tragaryen growled.

"Okay, whatever. You can act like a cat if you want."

A low giggle from Daenerys on the silent deck is quickly heard by him. Viserys snapped his head to her.

"What?" She gave him a 'come on!' face.

"It's not everyday that my brother is talking to a dragon and act as if he's actually your son."

"Hey Zaephyr." She then turned to her (technically) nephew and play with him.

"Let's go to my bedchamber, I'll clean you up so we could gave you another meal...a beef, yes, yes, a big piece of beef. You like it, don't you, yes you do!" She hummed like singing a lullaby and carried Zaephyr (who's almost half of her size) away, followed by her brother's yell...

"Don't gave him too much food! That's enough meal for a few days. Hey, sister! Promise me you won't!! He's getting too fat these days!"

Daenerys turned her head back and wink.

"No promise, brother."

Limerence ||♞|| Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now