It Was What He Thought It Was (2)

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(A/N Unedited.)

Okay, so to say that Lance has gotten over Keith was a goddamn lie. He heart was hurting so damn much, so much. He was in tears every night, thinking of reasons as to why his ex-lover would do such a thing.

Maybe I'm too annoying...

Did I not give him enough?

Was I not home often enough?

Those thoughts, and more, haunted his head so  often he would get headaches. Headaches, heartaches, he was such a lucky guy.

So he went to the bar. To drink those damned thoughts away. The thoughts that have haunted him for the past three months he's been away from the raven-haired man.

He was now so fucking wasted he didn't know what the color blue was. Knowing he shouldn't drive in his condition he called his friend Shiro, whom he's been living with since the break-up, to pick him up. Little did he know that was the only smart decision he made that entire night.

When the black SUV Shiro owned pulled into the cracking parking lot, the Cuban left his crinkled money on the counter to pay for the countless amount of drinks he consumed and walked outside into the chilly air. Seeing Lance, the Dad Friend(tm) pulled to the front of the, honestly, trashy looking building, and the tan boy entered the car.


"Yeah bud?"

"I hwort likess, a lots." Lance slurred his words tremendously.

"Oh? Where does it hurt?"

"My heart righsht nows man. I wanna kiss Keithers so bad sososososo badds. I miss him. Do you 'hink he will takes me back? I *hic* I didn't deshrerve hims."

"Lance, you did absolutely nothing wrong I promise. Keith was just being a huge douchebag. He is the one who didn't deserve you."


"Yes, really. Look, let's just head home, get you some water and ibuprofen, and get to bed. Okay?"


While Shiro did give Lance the water and ibuprofen to prevent a horrific hangover the next day, Lance didn't want to digest them, at least not yet. He was feeling great, why be sober when he could feel like this? Then the best idea ever struck the brunette.

'I'll send pics to Keith and make him want me again!'

Thus, he put on the shortest shorts he owned and a mesh crop-top and took pics in his full body mirror, and sent them to Keith.

To: Keith Kogane

>photo sent<
>photo sent<
>photo sent<
>photo sent<
>photo sent<

3:31 a.m.
Lance: heysssss bb
Lance: please takess me baxck
Lance: I miss youis 😭😭😭😢
Lance: and I thuik I luk hot rigght now soooo ;)

Keith Kogane: Lance? I can tell your shitfaced at the moment. So, lets talk about this when you're sober.

Lance: but's I misfed you so muuuuchh
Lance: plz plz come to Shiro house so I cans see you. 😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😩

Keith Kogane: No Lance. Look, I know you're going to read through these in the morning (and regret sending all of them) so meet me at Voltron Coffee tomorrow so we can talk about this situation. You don't have to, I'm a huge-ass idiot so I get it if you don't want to see me.

Lance: bb I love you soo much, yourss not an idioitt. I'll meet you tomorrow;;;;;;;;;)))., ily

Keith Kogane: We'll see about that when you aren't drunk off your ass.

(A/N there will be a part 3)

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