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A time yet to come...

The old woman sat on the low porch that ran the front of the little cottage. The gentle rocking of her chair, as it creaked softly in the quiet of the evening, was threatening to send her to sleep. Absentmindedly she reached down and stroked the huge black dog between the ears. The wolf-like animal let out a low whine and stirred lazily.

It was a balmy evening in late spring. The sun was just beginning to creep below the tree line on the far side of the clearing that spread out in front of the cottage. Its last rays casting a rosy glow over the garden and the walls of her little home. 

This was her favourite time of day. A time to relax after a day's work. This morning she had tended the garden, weeding and planting some vegetables then busied herself preparing herbs and spices and some of her own special potions. After tidying up the cottage she prepared her supper. 

Inside a pot of stew simmered on the stove.

Stretching across to the small table beside her she lifted the glass of lemonade to her lips. She savoured the cooling liquid. It still tasted wonderful, just as it had all those years ago.

She looked out over the clearing. It had not changed much down through the years. The woodland had encroached a little further and the oak in its centre had grown larger, spreading its bowers and offering shade even on the hottest of summer days.

The woman smiled. Her face was surprisingly free of the lines and creases that come with age. A product of a healthy lifestyle she always told anyone who commented. 

That and the magic. 

The magic helped.

Jessica pushed a strand of greying hair from her face and recalled the first time she had seen the cottage. 

It was a day not unlike today when she first met its previous owner. Just a few days after they had moved into the old manor house.


She could still remember gazing up at the sign on the gate for the first time.

She had been exploring with her brother and sister, smelt smoke and followed their noses here. Ceridwen greeted them and invited them in. 

It was at this time they discovered they possessed magic. A magic that manifested itself to varying degrees every few generations. Her magic was strong, much stronger than her brother and sisters who appeared to lose theirs as they grew older. Over the years, Ceridwen taught her how to use the magic. From devastating spells of destruction to subtle spells for making potions and healing.

And so began a series of great adventures that filled their lives for the next few years.

Magical adventures that took them to other times and places. Worlds reached by the many portals that dotted this area. Worlds populated by Faerie races and other strange creatures. They met Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes and Giants and fought alongside them against greater evils. 

Wizards and Witches, Daemons and Dragons.

Along the way, they made and lost many good friends. 

Shared the good times and the bad.  

But time moved on and eventually her brother and sister had followed their own paths. 

First, her sister Danielle started college and spent long periods away from home. Whenever she returned to The Warlock's Chair a bit more of the innocence that allowed her to see beyond the confines of the modern world had disappeared. Little by little she lost all knowledge of the hidden worlds and the creatures that inhabited them. When Jessica had tried to talk to her about it Danielle would just smile. A strange look would cloud her features as if she was trying to grasp some long forgotten memories. But then she would shake her head and change the conversation.

Legends from The Warlock's Chair - Epilogue - And A Time Will ComeWhere stories live. Discover now