1 - Alluring

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~She watches as the man standing before her drops his head and sighs. She had heard that sigh before, he was worried.

'What is it?' Willow questions, her voice just barely above a whisper.

He lets out a breathy laugh. 'I, uh- I need to tell you something.'

What on earth could he tell her now, after all they had been through in just the short time they had known each other? She was sure that he had told her everything she needed to know.~

I rolled my eyes at the words on the page. Of course there wasn't. These characters are always so oblivious to what was really going on. He's going to show you that he's not human! I shout at the girl in my head.

I skim my eyes over the next lines.

~He finally raises his head, yet his eyes are closed. She observe his mannerisms, the very ones that she had grown to adore secretly throughout the past few weeks.

'You can tell me, Henry. I won't be upset. Plus I'll make it even, I'll tell you something as well.'

Finally, he relaxed his shoulders. And that's when it happened.~

Here we go.

~Henry's eyes snapped up, meeting Willow's for the first time with this new found secret blasting her in the face.

His soft, green eyes, usually filled with a longing look that intrigued her, made her wonder what was floating around in his head, were now replaced with a startling amber color which seemed to be illuminating his eyes.

She stumbled back, not understanding what was happening. 'What is this?'

'I'm a werewolf, Willow. This is all I can show you without fully changing.'

The thought rolled around in her head for a moment, but she still could not fully process what just came out of his mouth. So, she looked at him for a moment longer, then turned on her heels and~

"Yah, (Y/N), what's that?"

I slam my book shut and whip my head up. Standing in front of me is my best friend Haechan with the biggest grin on his face.

"Oh, nothing." I slip the book into my backpack and shrug at Haechan. "Just something my mom picked up and wanted me to read. It's dumb, though."

He laughs at me and plummets into a seat right next to me.

"You're silly, (Y/N). Its another book about those monsters, isn't it?"

"Shhh," I glare at him. "Its part of a series I'm trying to finish."

He bellows out a loud laugh, causing others to turn and look at the two of us.

I plead with my eyes as he finally quits laughing. "Haechani, please quiet down."

"I just don't see why you hide that you read about things that aren't true." He meets my eyes, then quickly loses his smile. "I'm sure there's plenty of people that like that kind of stuff," he lets off with an encouraging nod of his head.

I raise my eyebrow just as our professor waltz into the room to begin the daily lessons. He begins calling out page numbers and homework problems when my thoughts are interrupted again.

"You know, if there were such things, I'm sure that people would've found them by now," Haechan states bluntly. "Plus there are other things that you could read about, like regular books and-"

"Mr. Lee," our professor calls from the front of the room. I see Haechan tense up out of the corner of my eye. "Is there something you'd like to share with us?"

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