10. Thor's Vision

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"I'm going to say this once

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"I'm going to say this once." Steve announces as he, the Maximoff's and Rachel walked into the lab where the Cradle was. Tony and Bruce both looked towards the four almost in shock but were anxious of the twins' presence.

"How about nonce." Tony retorts.

"Shut it down!" Steve demands.

"Nope." Tony refused.

"Tony... this will only end badly... shut it down." Rachel orders countering his short argument with one of her own.

"You don't know what you're doing." Steve tells them.

"And you do?" Bruce questions before looking over Rachel's shoulder towards Wanda. "She's not in either of your heads?"

"I know your angry." Wanda begins trying to not sound like a threat as she stepped around Steve.

"Oh we're way passed that." Bruce assures the young one. Out of instinct Rachel stepped forward. "I could choke the life out of you and I wouldn't change a shade."

"Banner... cut it out..." Rachel warns holding her hand out cautiously in front of her.

"And you suddenly know how to handle this all hm?" Banner asked Rachel sternly. "She must be inside your head if your defending the woman who showed you a fear she now knows." Rachel flinched at Banner's words instantly flashes of Rose being shot flashed her mind. She took a deep breath in stumbling back before turning back around and Steve worriedly stepped towards Rachel grabbing her by he shoulders. Wanda watched with guilt written all over her face. "This is what you did." Bruce states. "You broke the strongest woman I know."

"Banner after everything that's happened-" Steve starts as Rachel shakily grabbed his hand. He squeezed it comfortingly even though he was rudely interrupted.

"There's nothing compared to what's coming." Tony interrupted.

"You don't know what's in there!" Wanda shouts as Rachel turned to look up at Tony with fearful eyes, the thought of Rose plaguing her mind.

"This isn't a game!" She tells before Pietro rushed around the room with his speed taking out everything necessary for the Cradle to work.

"No, no... go on you were saying.." Pietro tells Tony before a gunshot sent Pietro through the glass part of the floor he was standing on. Wanda cried for her brother as Tony turned towards his computer.

"I'm rerouting the upload." He states before Steve let go of Rachel who looked at him confused before Steve threw his shield at the machinery in attempts to make sure it would be unsuccessful.

Tony's glove from his suit suddenly flew through the window beside him onto his arm and he shot Steve in the chest which knocked Rachel down with him as from Tony's perspective she was behind Steve.

"That git..." Rachel muttered as Steve got up and ran towards Tony.

Rachel got up to see Clint aiming his gun at Wanda and Rachel quickly sped to Clint snatching the gun off him before pinning him to the wall.

𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚎 ➋ ✔Where stories live. Discover now