Dear Lila

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Dear Lila,

I'm contacting you on the behalf of The Cupids Matchmaking Service.

Nope, just kidding.

You might be thinking why I'm writing a letter when we were already meeting up in a few hours.

The reason is, probably, because I couldn't find the courage to tell you anything I'm gonna try and pen down. It's easier this way, I think.

It's ironic how people believe I'm the Love God and yet when it came down to confess my love, I'm struggling with words to express my emotions.

I have a lived a thousand years, Lila. I've seen a lot of people fall in love with their soulmates and I was always convinced it was unfair. We were planning who their match was and how they fall in love. Do their hearts actually connect or we just force themselves because a few lines of computer code matched them? I thought, us, cupids, we were somewhat dictating the lives of others.

But then, I met you, lovebug.

And you crumbled my belief like the arrows that turn into ash.

Getting to know you, to fall in love with you and to get the privilege of tasting your kisses are the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

I've had made some grave mistakes, I deeply regret. I've put you through some life-threatening situations, that I never wanna encounter even in my wildest dreams. But coming to find you and to let the match be made, even though mother dearest came back as a consequence, I think it's the only deed I'll never feel remorse over.

It amazes me how you've built a place in my heart so easily. You crawled your way even when I tried so damn hard to resist every intuition of every fibre of my being. You're a woman who has passion coursing through her veins to protect the ones she loves, whose eyes hold an inferno behind them that can burn down an entire empire, whose touch can take away all the worries in a blink and whose love can change the God of Love himself.

You, lovebug, made me into someone I thought I could never become. You made me fall in love again when I had no intention to.

If all I could do was to hear the gentle heartbeat of yours against mine or see you smile at me with all your heart, for the rest of eternity, I'd consider myself the most content man alive.

So, this is it. And to end this letter, I'd quote something I read somewhere-

You're scored on my heart, Lila.

I'm in love with you, irrevocably and unconditionally. Hold on to that.


Happy Cal-entine's Day!

Just kidding, lovebug. Don't look at me all weirdly.

Happy Cupids' Day!

Yours and only yours,


a/n: This fanfiction is of the Cupid's Match series by the ever awesome LEPalphreyman.

There's a cookie for you if you know about the reference Cupid mentioned in the letter.

Thank you for reading.

Awditi x

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