"Then we have to get this over with as fast as possible." Steve suggest before running back nodding towards Rachel signalling for her to jump with him. She jumped on the barrier right as Steve did before jumping onto the truck below.

"Let the games begin." Rachel announced quietly to herself as Steve made his way down the back of the truck to open the door.

"Leave me alone!" She heard Ultron yell from inside the truck before the door was blasted open sending the door Steve was hanging onto swung around crashing into the side of the truck with a groan. Steve quickly swung the door back as Rachel kneeled against the top of the truck to maintain her balance.

"You okay?" Rachel asked before going wide eyed as Ultron shot another blast towards Steve causing the door to flatten sending Steve into the air before landing back onto the door that was being dragged across the concrete. "Take that as a not so much..."

"Well he's definitely unhappy!" Steve informs. "I'm going to try and keep him that way."

"You both aren't a match for him." Clint assures the two making Rachel squint her eyes almost offended.

"Thanks Barton." Steve responds sarcastically. As Rachel neared the back of the truck Steve surfed on the door. She neared the edge at the wrong time as Steve was blasted off the door into a car's windshield behind the truck before Rachel stood up.

"That's no way to treat guests Sir." She sassed her own British accent standing out prominently. Ultron lifted himself up and turned towards Rachel as Steve found his way slowly back to the truck.

"I thought you'd be left out because of my young one's fun." Ultron admits clenching his metal fists.

"Oh, she did have her fun..." Rachel agrees rubbing her hands together smiling. "Now it's time for mine!" She yells before jumping over Ultron's blast he sent from his fist using her speed to her advantage. She quickly swung her leg at his ankle as he landed on the truck's roof she lowered herself down causing him to tumble back into the air.

"You know what's in that Cradle?" Ultron asked as he lifted himself back up and Steve landed back on top of the truck behind Rachel who took a few steps back so there was room between them. Ultron shot another blast towards the two, Rachel ducking and Steve turning around just in time for it to hit his Shield. "The power to make change and that terrifies you."

"I wouldn't call it a comfort." Steve tells him before throwing his shield rapidly at Ultron which launched him backward as the shield ricocheted back towards Steve who caught it in time to step in front of Rachel to shield her from an incoming blast. As Ultron landed back on the roof Steve harshly threw the shield once more it embedding into his chest.

"Stop it!" Ultron demands removing the shield from his chest by throwing it onto the road before blasting at the two again one hit Steve directly in chest causing him to be thrown onto the bonnet of the van and one hit Rachel's arm causing her to wince as she lost her balance and fell off the truck. She grabbed a thin bar that held the truck steady so she would stay on the truck with one hand which unfortunately was the one that was hit and yelped. Steve was back on the truck's roof quicker than she thought with the fight between him and Ultron at least recommencing as Rachel winced holding to the thin bar for dear life.

"Steve! I'm gonna have to let go! I can't hold on!" Rachel shouts as her grip started to loosen but Steve only replied with pained grunts. Sighing to herself she let go using her speed so she could avoid traffic easier and keep up with the truck.

Running beside the truck she suddenly saw a motorcycle showing itself from under the truck with Steve's shield on the front. Knowing it was Natasha she moved sideways just in time for her to lift herself back up as Steve was held over the edge by the throat. She quickly tossed Steve his shield which he used to whack Ultron across the face. It launched him back and caused him to let go of Steve.

𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚎 ➋ ✔Where stories live. Discover now