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— space —

"You know, it's really just gotta be that we're not on solid ground, right? I mean, maybe that has an affect on the human mind. Maybe that's why I'm dreaming about giant snakes."

A sigh escapes her lips as she scribbles on her notepad, trying not to get annoyed with the man in front of her. She had called him in just for his routine mental health check up and when asked how he has been sleeping, he launched into an explanation of his recent dreams.

"No, I don't think that's it. My diagnosis is just that you need to get more sleep. You're clearly sleep deprived, and I know you're going to say it's because you don't want to have the dream, but seriously, I know you stay up way past the end of your shift to keep working. Just go to bed earlier tonight, and let me know if it still happens."

He sighs but nods his head in agreement. "Thank ya, lassie. Sorry for wasting your time." he stands up to leave but she rises from her chair as well.

"Scotty, you're not a waste of time. Taking care of you and your mental health is literally my job. Even if it wasn't my job I would still care, and I would still help you whenever you need me to." she puts a hand on his shoulder, "You need to take care of yourself. Promise me."

"Aye, lassie, you're right, as always." he fakes annoyance but laughs and pats her on the back gently. "Thanks for listenin' to my bullshit, I won't lie to you again." he finishes his statement with a cheeky smile and walks out the door of her office.

She watches as the door slides shut behind him and then she sinks back onto her couch. Cassidy Blake has been a member of the Enterprise's crew since the ship first flew out into space to save planet Vulcan. Ever since that day, her life hasn't been normal. With the people she has met and befriended, and more than befriended, on the Enterprise it's not a surprise.

Her moment of respite doesn't last long, however, as the door beeps, signaling that someone is outside waiting for permission to enter. "Come in." she calls out, straightening up on the couch.

The door slides open to reveal her next patient and she greets them with a smile before they get to work.


After a long day of screening crew members, Cassidy begins to believe that she has never been this tired in her life. She practically sleepwalks to the mess hall to get some dinner and when she finally sits down at a table, she doesn't remember even picking up any food.

"Well, don't you look like shit." Leonard McCoy observes as he plonks his tray down on the table across from Cassidy.

"Gee thanks, McCoy. Just what every girl wants to hear." she smiles sarcastically at the man and then shoves a forkful of food into her mouth, the first thing she's had besides coffee all day long.

"What can I say, I'm known for my charm." he snarks back, making Cassidy fight back a smile. She and McCoy have worked closely together as senior members of the medical department on the ship since it's first voyage. Since then, they've developed a mutual respect and what may be described as somewhat of a friendship. "Finally finish the mental health checks?"

Cassidy hums and nods as she finishes chewing the bite of food she just took. "All but you and Kirk but you guys never let me have an actual interview anyways so I just observe you doing your daily activities and assess."

"You observe us?" he says with an eyebrow raised.

"It's my job, McCoy, not like I want to watch you berate patients and staff all day." He scoffs at her response and takes a bite of his food. "And it's not like I want to be around Jim right now, period."

"Oh, c'mon, he feels bad about it. Give him another chance." McCoy implores, rolling his eyes at the idea that he's involving himself in his friends' dumb drama.

"He had a chance, he blew it. He blatantly ignored me for a week following what I thought were a couple of really great dates. And then I see him talking to some other girl, so what else am I supposed to assume other than, after dating me for a month, when I left the Enterprise to report back to Starfleet, he moved on to another girl without so much as a word to me."

"Why do I bother being friends with either of you stubborn bastards?" he grumbles, effectively ending their conversation.

The next day, Cassidy wakes up and puts on her blue uniform dress as usual. Today there is a mission on a Class M planet called Nibiru that they have been observing for a few days, but today they plan to save the people from a volcanic eruption. She exits her quarters and is disappointed to find that the hallway is not empty, but in fact is occupied by the one and only Jim Kirk. He is leaning against the wall across from her quarters, waiting for her to come out. When he sees her, his face immediately lights up, but Cassidy's does the opposite.

She glares at him and then walks right by, continuing on with her normal routine and acting as though she can't hear his voice behind her.

"Cassidy. Cass, please! Will you just listen to me for a minute?"

"No, sorry Captain, I'm a little busy right now." she enters the already occupied turbo lift, the doors already closing as she slips between them and they shut just before he can follow her inside. She breathes a sigh of relief as the lift carries her and its other passengers away from James Tiberius Kirk and his ever persistent ways.

Once she is safely inside her office, she makes herself comfortable on the couch and starts finishing up her reports from the day before. When she finishes, Cassidy heads up to sickbay to assist since McCoy is on the away mission. Being certified in both psychology and in basic medicine gives her the opportunity to experience both jobs and to be an extra hand when needed.

When the grumpy doctor finally returns, he is dripping water as he walks and sporting a grumpier face than usual. Cassidy opens her mouth to ask what happened but he silences her with a look. "Don't ask." he grumbles before disappearing into his office.

Cassidy shares a confused glance and a laugh with the nurses in the room and then heads off to her office again. 

Later on, she is treated to the story of Dr. McCoy and the captain jumping off of a cliff and into the water where the Enterprise was hidden. Chekov had told Christine Chapel, who in turn had gone and told everyone else on the ship including Cassidy. She also hears how Commander Spock almost died in the volcano. 

When Cassidy hears about Spock's near death experience, she immediately worries for Jim, knowing how something like that would affect him. She shakes her head as if to dispel the thoughts but they don't leave, in fact they stay with her until sleep finally grabs hold of her that night. 

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