Grammys {all} pt.1/5

Start from the beginning

I, however, wasn't fucking laughing.

If I forgot something, the hyungs would severely scold me for it! I might even get in trouble for it, but this is Suga not me.

I have extreme love and pride for Suga hyung, he's my big brother. He is older than me though, so I am just a little Dongsaeng to him, someone who constantly needs rules and discipline.

That's just how it works; it's the way Korea is.

I kept my irritation tucked into my heart, not wanting to get in trouble before the biggest night of our lives.

I don't love LA, in fact I would even go as far as to say that I don't even like California.

But ARMY is there, and that's all that matters.

When we finally got to our plane area, we sit down in the waiting seats to get on the plane.

We don't board for two more hours, so I excitedly grabbed the maknaes arms and we start walking to exploration.

"Yah! Where do you think you guys are going?" Suga's voice rings from a distance.

We turn back in confusion to him.

I say, "We're going to look around; you know, explore."

Suga glared at me, "Are you asking me or telling me?"

I narrowed my eyebrows at him, "Hyung, may we please go look around?"

"No," Suga said, "You guys aren't little kids. You have to be in the best mood for America, so you need to relax. Go sit down and read or sleep."

Jungkook and Jimin nod their heads obediently and went to do what he said.

I was so angry, who the hell does he think he is? Telling me that I can't do what I want.

Suga glanced at me, surprised I haven't done what he asked yet.

"Taehyungie, I said sit down."

I looked down so the harsh violence in my eyes don't touch my hyung and get him pissed.

I go sit next to Namjoon who was reading passionately; I open his bag and picked one of the five books that were in there. I open it up and lay my head on his lap.

"UGH! How long have I been sitting here?!" I sat up and looked at Namjoon.

I could tell he didn't want to leave his book, but he looked at me anyway and checked his phone:

"About five minutes."

I sighed hard and pout like a child.

Then I realized I could use this to my advantage, "RM hyung, can I go walk around a bit?"

He nods his head and hums, "be back in an hour."

I smile largely and skip to Jimin who was almost asleep.

"Jiminie! Jimin! Do you want to walk around with me?"

Jimin opened his eyes, "Tae. Suga hyung said not to."

"I asked Namjoon hyung and he said it was ok!"

Jimin looked at me sternly, "Suga hyung said not to. We can't disobey him."

I huff, knowing that Jimin was too good of a Dongsaeng to go against Suga.

Fine, I don't need him to go with me.

I'll go by myself.

I walked away from Jimin and waited until he went asleep, then smiled devilishly and walked faster until I couldn't see my hyungs.

The sea of art that coated the walls of the airport was blinding. Picasso be damned, it was stunning.

I tried to keep watching the time, but I was lost in the intensity of watercolor masterpieces.

I had no idea that there was actual art in airports, until today.

And Suga says exploring is for little kids.

I was a tiny bit paranoid that Suga was about to jump scare me. I'm gonna be in so much shit if he finds out.

Relax Taehyung.


But I can't. I can't relax. I miss my members and surprisingly Suga.

I turned my face to walk away, but my heart stood still when I saw, pointblank, Yoongi.

He was calm but his eyes dilated in wrath.

"You dumb boy."

I looked down, "Who told you?"


Fucking Jimin. I should have known.

"Namjoon said I could go."

He laughed a terrifying laugh, "Namjoon is not the boss I am."

My veins heated, "He's my hyung too."

"It doesn't matter! If I tell you to stay, you stay. Goddamn is it that hard to just listen to me."

My jaw dropped, "I listen to you all the time! I just wanted to be on my own for a couple of minutes, is that too much to ask?!"

"Don't you yell at me!"

"You're yelling at me!"


I looked at the people who were looking at us.

Suga pulled me tightly by the arm and brought me away from the people.

"You better be damn lucky that we got a long flight, so you don't have to limp on the red carpet."

I was so overwhelmed with emotion, "N-NO! You can't!"

Suga eyes me evilly, "You bet your ass I can."

"I am a grown man! You can't keep telling me what to do!"

"I'll tell you what to do until you reach your grave, now go back to the plane and stop being a bad Dongsaeng!"

"Fuck off Yoongi hyung! I can do what I want!"

Yoongi shakes his head enraged, "You what Taehyung? If you're just gonna be a burden on us, then maybe you shouldn't go. We'll do perfectly fine without you."


The words collapses my mind faster than a ray of blazing speed.

I could actually feel the sound of my heart tearing apart.

Tears flow my eyes, and I don't make any noise as hyung walks away.

I'm so done. Am I just on the team to be unfollowed?

A burden?

Hate floods my soul, the overpowering level of darkness screams in my thoughts.

They don't want you Taehyung,

You are just a bad Dongsaeng.

Depression sinks in and I never thought it would hurt so bad, but it was really painful.

My tears were streaming down my face; I started seeing the exit in front of me and I walk toward it.

Fuck them, Fuck this shit I'm out.

I have my wallet, that's all I need.

On my way to the door, I take the plane ticket out of my front pocket and tear it to shreds.

I throw it in the trash, finally having my freedom.

I walk out the doors into the world of Seoul.

I was so frightened, I was just a young man in a small world.

No where I can turn, no where I can go.

Terrified, I just kept walking away until the airport was as fading as my memory.

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