I'm thinking all the ways I can fuck you on this table

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When Gabriel got out of the shower and realized she wasn't in the bed anymore, he had to confess, he felt a little frustrated, but he couldn't complain, last night felt amazing, she responded to every touch of his. She was so fucking sexy and Gabriel didn't even know her name that's what makes him so aroused.

Gabriel spent all day doing nothing.
He visited his mother, like every Sunday at lunchtime and nothing else.

As the hours went by, he got more frustrated, the more he thinks about her, the more mad he becomes.

So when Monday came and he went to work, he tried to do everything to not think about her, it wasn't professional that his employees would see him with a hard-on.
When he got to his office it was easy it was so busy that he kind of forget about her. Until she was standing right in front of him.

"listen to what you are saying, it is impossible to close this deal without one of our negotiators or me. Don't say anything, don't talk to them, don't look at their way, till I get there." This douche was messing everything up, because of him, they could lose a potential client. Gabriel saw when James knock on the door e got in, he was getting mad because of the conversation that he was having on the phone, that he just gestured for him to come in and sit he turned around to face the factory. "No, I have to be there." He turned around again to see why James was here, he only came into Gabe's office for an urgent matter, and he couldn't deal with another bad negotiation or malfunction or losses, he just couldn't, that when he saw her. She was right here, looking into those pictures, she looked so good, Gabe had to sit right away to not show how she made him feel. What was she doing here, James saw him looking at her, James saw right through him. "Fuck! I gotta go" she jump at the sound and turn towards Gabe, 'oh fuck she was so beautiful' Gabe couldn't believe, like the day they met, she was dressed to kill, her dress was professional but tight enough for Gabe to see all her curves that he knows she has, her breasts her belly, her butt, her p... Jesus! He has to keep it cool. He saw her eyes wide open, but she didn't say anything. Mr. Valek clears his throat, looking at his boss, 'Jesus makes it obvious man!' James thought he wasn't blind but man! his boss was staring.

"Hm Mr. Hayes, I would like to introduce you to our newest member." Mr. Valek gestures towards her. She was a little uncomfortable he could see it.

"Please do, I heard so much about you, that looks like I have known you before." What a load of crap, he didn't know they got a new employee, each coordinator controlled their team, if they need someone else, they talk to HR and see if it's possible. Gabe trust their capabilities. Once a week they would sit in a meeting with each coordinator to go over every detail.

Gabe only wants to know her name. "This is Jessica Evans, " Mr. Valek was smiling at her, Gabe frowned, he didn't like it one bit.

"James, would you excuse us, I like to have a word with Miss Evans?"
"Sure sure, oh and its Mrs. Evans Right?" She is married, oh the love of God. Of course, she was married, look at her and everything about her.
'What was she doing alone on a Saturday night in that club? She will be the death of me.' his mind was everywhere, he couldn't think straight. So what if she is married, that wasn't his problem, he didn't know about it. But just the thought of it made his blood boiled.

"So you are married!" He asked a soon as James was out of the door. He couldn't help himself, he really likes that one, the sex was amazing, she looked amazing and he wants her again.
"And your name is Jessica, Finally I can put a name on the face that consumes my thoughts" that sentence was out of his mouth before he could process what he was saying. Gabe turned his back to her,

'Jessica, it would be great fuck her now knowing her name too.'

"I'm in your thoughts?" she was stunned, that's for sure. 'Oh yeah baby, like right now, I'm thinking all the ways I can fuck you on this table' of course he didn't say that. He wasn't that crazy.
"You are married!" He whisper yell turning around and hitting the table with his fits.
"I was when I applied for this job. But I already asked for divorce," she explained herself. 'That's it? When did you ask for a divorce? Today? yesterday?' Maybe he was indeed crazy.

"Listen, I don't need to tell you anything." She cut his train of thought. She was getting frustrated.
"Of course you do, we had sex for crying out loud, and I'm your boss. So start talking " she looks like a dear catch in the headlight. 'Oh Fuck, I'm her boss, shit! Shit! SHIT!'

"It's been 2 months or so since I and David broke up, I already ask for divorce and David didn't sign it yet. So it's not exactly official."

Who is this loser who let her go?

"You left!" He couldn't tell her that this was the first time someone left him right after sex, never and he meant never that happen. He always had to tell them to leave and it messed with his head. "So I was a rebound guy." Now that he thought about it, he could see it, she used him and the feeling didn't sit well with him.

"no, you were a celebration kind of guy."
What's that was supposed to mean? "what were you celebrating?"
"My birthday and this job" she just shrugged, she shrugged to him?
'Is she for real, are you not affected one bit?'
Mr. Valek knocked on the door and got in. 'Oh, that fucker.' Gabe thought and regret right away, James was his friend and employee, he had nothing to do with this mess he got himself into.

"Sir, Mr. Antunes is here, can I bring him in?"
Gabriel only nodded, still looking at Jess.
"So all I have to say is congratulations and welcome to Hayes."

He couldn't concentrate anymore, her table was right beside his, separated only by a glass wall, who's ideas was to put glass everywhere? Oh yeah it was his.
He could see her from there, that smile of hers, sweet baby Jesus, she definitely will be the death of him.
He needed something to do before he goes crazy.

His afternoon went just like that, he kept busy, but every time he looked to his right, there she was. She knew he watched her, she could feel his eyes on her.

Never in a million years, she would know she was going to work for Gabriel, Karma really was a bitch.


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