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Where is he? Where is he? Why does he always do this? He's always late!!

Jinu paced back and forth waiting for Mino. Although he's always late, it still baffles Jinu that he manages to take so long.

Getting more and more anxious, Jinu felt the soft touch of a certain someone's hands cover his eyes.

He smiled, pushing aside all the thoughts he had of strangling Mino just minutes ago.

He felt the soft, warm voice of Mino
"Did I keep you waiting long? I brought you something"

"What is it? Show me!"

"Slow down babe, I'll give it to you right now. Why dont we go inside first and get started?"

Leading him by the hand, Mino guided Jinu through the slim door of the restaurant they were at. They always liked to pick nice or fancy places to play their "games" it made the atmosphere more intense. It was around 9:10 PM and the restaurant was buzzing with customers, perfect for their plans. They were seated quickly and right away, the game had begun.

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