Everything's Not Alright (Dean x Reader)

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"So why are we going to Maine?" I pipe up from the back seat.

"Well sleeping beauty, Bobby called, apparently a contact of his in Maine asked him if he knew of any hunters who could swing by the area and check things out. Bobby knew we were already in Virginia and therefore the closest and best hunters for the job." Dean replied to me.

"Bobby said his buddy told him too many people have gone missing in the same area for it to be anything but supernatural and that he owed this guy one from back in the day and the guy has good instinct." Sam added, his nose in a book.

"So how much longer 'til we hit Maine then?" I ask.

"About five hours, you were passed out cold there for a bit." Dean spoke up again.

"Well one of us has to get some beauty sleep in order to mingle with people to get information." I sassed at him. Dean cracked a smile at my response that I saw through the review mirror. "So, do we get to meet with this buddy of Bobby's?" I ask.

"We're meeting up with him at a diner once we get there."

"Okie dokie then." I say as I pull out my headphones and plug them into my phone so I could listen to music and try to get my head in the game. I could tell that I was distracted, distractions lead to mistakes, and mistakes can mean life or death. If it were only my ass on the line I wouldn't feel as much pressure about it, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if Sam or Dean got hurt, or worse killed, because of me. There was enough blood on my hands... What doesn't destroy you, leaves you broken instead.

Walking into diner, I could immediately spot Bobby's friend. On my game or not, I know a hunter, or ex hunter when I see one. He was the same height and build as Bobby, but his hair had more salt and pepper to it, and he had a long scar on his cheek.

"You must be the hunters Bobby sent up, you're exactly how he described."

"Thanks, I think." I say with a half-smile, and the older man chuckles.

"Yes, it's a good thing, sit, have a seat. M'names Marvin, helped Bobby out back in the day. I'd look into this myself but I've been out of the game for a while, mainly just help out other hunters with information on how to get the job done."

"Well, what makes you think this is supernatural, besides disappearances I mean." I asked Marvin, happy that he could get out and live to tell the tale.

"These parts of Maine, it's not normal to get as many disappearances as this, and they are always at night, never during the day. And just yesterday there was a group of 3 kids that had gone camping, only two of them came back, word is they say their buddies were taken away in the night by a monster. That's what made me call Bobby, I had been keeping an eye on it, hoping it was just bad luck, lost campers, but once I heard that I had to have it checked out." Marvin spoke softly.

"How long has this been going on for?" Sam questioned.

"Since they opened up a new campground about two weeks ago. The land used to be owned by the state but there was no trespassing, on rare occasion a trespasser would either get lost, but most assumed they were just that, lost, maybe attacked by a wild animal after they hadn't turned up, but every night someone goes up there, someone doesn't come back."

"Well sounds like we need to make a visit to those kids, and find out more about this campground." Dean spoke up. Back in the Impala Dean's driving to a motel to check in and freshen up, Sam's looking in their dad's journal with what little information we have in order to get some ideas in mind, and I'm in the back trying to ignore the hole in my soul growing deeper. I didn't even notice we were pulled in front of the motel until Dean gently shook my shoulder while calling my name to get my attention.

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