Spill The Tea - A Review Of Kingdom Hearts 3

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"But @khgirl678! How can you review a game if you've never played it?!"

Don't worry. I've watched walkthroughs on YouTube. But please take what I have to say overall with a grain of salt, as this is my opinion. No, I also do not wish ill on Square Enix, the company that made this game. I can still like something and criticize it.

Anyways, in this review I'll be reviewing gameplay, world designs, story, characters, and voice acting as well as my favorites and dislikes for each category.


Anyways, let's go!

Game Play

Now, if you have seen even just one Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer, you know Square is going all out for this game. Throwing in every single gameplay feature that was introduced in the games as well as introducing a few new features to make this experience fun and worth the long wait. While watching walkthroughs, I can only imagine how overwhelming it must've been to have tutorials thrown at your face left and right for all the gameplay features in the game, but eventually got get the hang of it and have fun. I did notice, however, that in Proud Mode, magic was kinda broken and OP, through the slow regeneration of your MP kinda makes up for that?

Favorite - My favorite gameplay feature would have to be the shotlock. They definitely nerfed it along with the flowmotion, both of which were criticized with how over-powered they were, so that you didn't utterly destroy everything in your path. Don't get me wrong-destroying the enemies is pretty fun, but when it's so easy like in Birth By Sleep with the shotlock and the flowmotion in Dream Drop Distance it takes the fun out of it.

Also because particle effects.

Also because particle effects

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Dislike - Attraction flow. Don't get me wrong, they look absolutely amazing and gorgeous but I did feel like some of them, most noticeably the pirate ship one, were slightly over powering. Plus, they did feel like blatant advertising from Disney which is-well, technically Kingdom Hearts is just an gigantic advertisement for Disney, but the attraction flow rides just really rubbed that in for me.

World Design

Every single Disney world in this game looks like they were ripped straight from their source material, and I think that's what Square was shooting for.  Every single one of the worlds are pretty much unique from each other (though I do have a few complaints for my dislike) and to solidify that point in further, there are some unique gameplay aspects for each world. You can swing across trees in Kingdom of Corona, control and battle with ships in Pirates of the Caribbean, and you can even ride the door rails in Monstropolis!

Favorite - San Fransokyo. Big Hero 6 is one of my favorite Disney movies of all time, and I am glad I got to see more of the world that we couldn't see in the movies. Plus, it's nice to get away from all the foresty environments from the other Disney movies and focus on something much more metropolitan.

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