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When the stars (***) happen it switches point of views, above is a picture that Liza has on her fake account.


"Hey, are you coming?" Cody asks looking over his shoulder, I open the door to the car swirling around so my feet were sitting outside of the driver's side.

"Yeah, yeah give me a second I have to check my twitter and follow a few people back." I say waving him on pulling out my iPhone, going through randomly reading a few of them I follow the first five people back. Just when I'm about to exit it out and head in with Cody a picture catches my eye, and I read

I chuckle lightly to myself remembering my alter ego, my finger hovers over the home button as I read the tweet over and over not able to stop smiling

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I chuckle lightly to myself remembering my alter ego, my finger hovers over the home button as I read the tweet over and over not able to stop smiling. "I gotta reply..." I grin, clicking on her profile the picture gets slightly bigger her long black hair fell perfectly in place, and she had the most perfect big blue eyes. I follow her back and immediately send a direct message so no one can see I replied to only her,

I hit send and climb out of the car heading into the gym with Cody and the other guys, "Hey nice of you to finally join us!" Zack shoots at me on the floor on his back Randy hovering over him victorious,

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I hit send and climb out of the car heading into the gym with Cody and the other guys, "Hey nice of you to finally join us!" Zack shoots at me on the floor on his back Randy hovering over him victorious,

"I was giving you time to warm up but by the looks of it you need a few more hours." I smirk jokingly at him as Randy extends his hand helping him up.

"No, I was supposed to fall..." he scoffs narrowing his eyes at me, my smirk widens as Randy shakes his head no behind Zack's back.

"Mhmm, that's what he always says." Cody says rolling his eyes and we all laugh as Zack folds his arms across his chest and pouts. As the laughs subside I look down at my phone seeing if anything new happened on it, what is taking you so long. I groan sticking it back in my pocket.

"What is wrong with you?" Christian asks beside me lifting weights, I look behind me no way he is talking to me. "Yes, you, John."

"What are you talking about? I'm fine." I say nonchalant taking my seat at a weight bench lifting my usual amount,

"You are not one to check your phone, and then on top of that groan when you look at it. Something is up, what is it?" he asks looking over at me in fact everyone's eyes were on me.

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