mocking hedonism

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It's been such a long time since I updated omg.

What exactly sparked this abrupt update?

The answer took place last year in my science class. I came up with this analysis/farce; "A human's biological purpose is to produce offspring. The more you produce, the stronger you are, the longer your bloodline, and the more you are fulfilling your purpose and duty as a human being. Following this logic, rapists and prostitutes are the most fulfilled ones of all." I told my friends. The reaction was a unanimous "please tell you're joking ." I was surprised some thought I wasn't kidding. Not that it was a tasteful joke or anything- it's just a matter of if I looked like a pseudo-rapist. I sure wonder whether philosophy gave me knowledge or unabashed autistic tendencies.

After a few months in highschool, you begin to realize how messed up everyone is. Vaping, raping, and other unholy acts seep from the small forest hiding near the back of the school and the downstairs washrooms. I hope not to elaborate as certain classmates come to mind. In this environment, the definition of "pleasure" is warped to a more... audacious one. It is narrowed from wholesome to whoresome, from a wide variety of happiness to one derived by intercourse. Again, certain classmates come to mind. I hope for you to disregard this definition for you read- I hope for you not to think of hedonist philosophers as thots. I hope to explore how these au courant crackheads are at their very core, hedonists.

But first, what is hedonism? It's the notion that pleasure is the meaning of life. The happier, the better. Pleasure first. Think Aldous Huxley's Brave New World where they literally take government dispensed happy pills and have sex like untamed rabbits 24/7. See: science class "sex time" rhetoric. It is their disregard for authority and ignorance their future prospects that drive them through this one track mindset

Again, this where I embark on some of the most existentialist thoughts ever. What good will ever come of me in the future?

I think the answer lies here. The in-depth study of crackheads.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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