¢нαρтєя тωσ

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¢нαρтєя тωσ

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¢нαρтєя тωσ

Angelina Salvatore sat on the edge of her bed, listening to Cameron's story of her last date with Tyler Lockwood. The ginger girl described the events of the night before, from when they had gone to The Grill to get dinner before heading to the Lockwood mansion, where they watched movies until they decided to do something else.

The brunette cringed at the most recent thing the ginger described, sending the taller girl a playful glare.

"Did I really need to know that, Cami?" Angelina toward her best friend, who was painting her nails a light pink while sitting on the bean bag which sat next to the foot of the brunette's bed. "As much as I love hearing about your love life, I have absolutely no desire to hear about your studies of human anatomy with Tyler Lockwood."

"Only you would avoid saying it like it is Lina," the orange-haired girl rolled her eyes before becoming to speak again.  "I mean it's only sex, it's not that bad."

"Well if you're done talking about Tyler, then we should start our history assignment since Mr. Saltzman made it due next class," Lina looked to her best friend, who had gone back to painting her nails instead of making her friend uncomfortable.  "I can do the first half if you do the second half."

Cameron sent her best friend a smile as she placed her hands under the nail dryer that sat on the edge of Angelina's bed.  The ginger had been happy when her closest friend had decided to take charge of their assignment because she knew that without a small push from Angelina, she would never do the assignment. 

The two girls looked toward the door after hearing the familiar squeak of its hinges.  In the doorway stood Angelina's mother, Valentina, who smiled at the girls before beginning to speak.

"Cameron, your mom wants you to go over to the Lockwood's to help set up for the masquerade.  You can take Angelina if you want to," Valentina then moved toward her daughter's bed.  "You should go with Stefan, I know he's having a hard time since the whole Elena thing happened."

Of course, both Angelina and Cameron knew about the Elena thing, as the former had heard him and Elena's breakup from the other room a few nights ago.

"I'll go and spend time with him, but I'm not hanging out with Damon if he's there," Lina spoke the elder brother's name with distaste as if it made her sick to even say it.  Valentina noticed the tension in the room and decided to make this her quick and quiet exit, taking the opportunity to go back to the parlor.

"I don't blame you, especially after what I saw happen with him last time," the ginger-haired girl shuddered at the thought of the eldest Salvatore, for she had seen his true colors once. The raven-haired vampire had believed that she was not under the influence of vervain, so he had compelled her to forget the event, but she had been wearing a vervain necklace, which allowed for her memory to remain intact.

𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐞 | 𝐊𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang