Chapter 2 Fight Bravely For Family

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Chapter 2
Fight Bravely For Family

One Tusk swung his dagger at Ulric. Ulric dodged and used his footwork to reset himself. One tusk struck again, this time with his mace. Ulric rolled out of distance. Ulric was grimly focused. Ulric faked a strike with his sword and then moved back.

One Tusk reacted. Ulric was testing the timing of the burly orc. Ulric Threw another fake strike and then dodged a response from One tusk. Ulric saw a opening and slashed One Tusk's right shoulder, causing the orc to drop it's dagger.

One Tusk: You Filthy Pig.

The orc exclaimed in pain and said a few cuss words. The orc swung it's mace wildly at Ulric with its uninjured left arm. Ulric Dodged most of the attacks, but was caught of guard by a wild swinging right punch. Ulric went flying a few yards back and slid across the grass.

Ulric got back to his feet, just in time to avoid a soccer kick from One Tusk. Ulric scrambled back to his feet. One Tusk kept moving forward and swung his mace. Ulric Dodged under and chopped into the One Tusk's stomach. One tusk wasn't wearing armor like most orcs wear.

One Tusk's spit out black blood and gagged. Ulric kept pushing the Hatchet deeper into the massive orc's guts. One Tusk hit Ulric with a fatigued right punch. It caused a cut on Ulric's cheek. Ulric pulled the axe out and jumped back, just as One Tusk swung his mace.

Ulric dodged it barely. Ulric threw his hatchet into the middle of One Tusk chest.

One Tusk spit out more blood and fell to the ground with a heavy thudding sound. Ulric walked over and pulled his hatchet out of One Tusk chest.

Ulric: Is that the best warrior you orcs have??!!

Ulric screamed valiantly. The Orc Leader smiled a toothy grin. The orc began to salivate.

The Orc Leader: Soldiers Stay back!! This is my kill.

The Orc Leader threw down his war axe and stomach armor and walked forward unarmed. The Leader drooled and snarled. Ulric charged at him and swung both weapons. The Orc caught both of Ulric's wrists.

The Orc Leader: It's been a while since I've found a tough opponent. Please don't disappoint.

The Leader kicked Ulric in the chest. Sending him flying through the air. Ulric stopped just a few feet from the house. Ulric had dropped his weapons. The Orc Leader walked forward menacingly.

Ulric got into a fighting stance with his fists. The Orc Leader laughed. Ulric dodged a few wild punches and then hit the Orc leader in the stomach a couple of times.

The Orc leader replied with a wild backhand. Ulric ducked under it and kicked the Orc in the shin.

The Orc smiled and landed a hard left hook punch to Ulric's jaw. Ulric fell to the ground.

The Orc leader then picked him up and slammed him through the wall of the cottage.

Erik yelled in panic and fear. The Orc leader glared at Erik and smiled.

The Orc Leader: Your flesh must be delicious pretty boy.

Erik: Papa Help!!!!

The Orc Leader picked Erik up by the throat. Erik still had his wood carving knife. Erik desperately tried to stab the towering orc with it. The Orc grabbed his hand and wrist. He squeezed it until it almost started to crunch.

Erik: *Strangled cry of pain*

Ulric got back to his feet and grabbed a carving knife that was by the fireplace. He stabbed the orc in his upper back repeatedly.

The Orc Leader:*Yells in agony*

The Orc Leader dropped Erik and turned toward Ulric.

Erik:*gasping for air*

The Orc kicked Ulric back outside the cottage and then tore Ulric's torso armor off. The Orc grabbed Ulric and repeatedly hit him in the body, Until Ulric began to spit blood. The Orc threw him to the ground.The Orc grabbed the wood carving knife inside the cottage and walked back out.

Erik tried to stop him, but the Orc swatted him like a fly. Erik went flying against a piece of furniture.

Ulric got to one knee and spit up blood. The Orc Leader punched Ulric in the face. The force of the blow shattered Ulric's nose.

Ulric was on his knees and couldn't stand. He was exhausted and beaten to a pulp. The Orc Leader walked forward, clutching the carving knife in his massive right fist.

The Orc Leader: You are defeated man scum.

Ulric: Kill armor and.....sell it....take...the cows and...chickens as well....Just dont harm my boy.

Orc Leader: Before I kill you,I will tell you my name. I am Bone splitter. Tell your friends and relatives that name in the afterlife when they ask who killed you.

Ulric spit at Bone Splitter. Bone Splitter stabbed ulric in the chest and left the knife in.

Ulric fell to the ground. Erik was still unconscious in the cottage. Bone Splitter and the remaining orcs stole the cattle and chickens and took Ulric's armor and weapons.

After they were finished pillaging, they started to leave. Bone splitter and his group climbed onto the back of a massive black dragon.

Erik awoke seconds after they left and ran outside. Erik saw the orcs flying away on the black dragon. Erik also saw that Ulric was dead. Erik collapsed on the ground and sobbed.

Erik: *Crying*No No Please No!!!......Papa. Please wake.Wake Please!!!!

Erik cradled his father in his arms. He noticed writing on the ground next to Ulric's. It read. BONE SPLITTER. Bone Splitter scribbled that for Erik to read.

Erik:*Yells in anger at Orcs and Bone splitter* You and your orcs will die Bone Splitter!!!!Your dragon as well!


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