"We have to help them," Lucy says.

"We will, but not alone. Now, climb on my back. We have a long ways to go and little time to get there. And you might want to cover your ears," aslan says, they all climb onto his back and cover their ears. "ROAR!!!!!!!!"


"Fall back! Draw them to the rocks!" Peter shouts over all the commotion.

"That's the signal! Get ready!" Mr Beaver says, he, Edmund and the archers were on the rocks.

"FIRE!" Edmund commands. Arrows flew over them and into the Witch's army.

Swish! Bang! Grunt! Crash! Clash!

Peter falls off his unicorn as an arrow hit it. Oreius and the rhino charge at the witch.

"Stop!" Peter shouts hopelessly but they don't listen.

The Witch ducks attack and parries her blades then spins her wand and turns Oreius to stone. The rhino had be hit by a Minotaur.


[Alice's PoV]

We at the Witches castle, and we were where all the frozen animals and creatures are. Lucy, Susan and I are looking for Tumnus. Lucy finds him and starts to cry, I held in the tears, while Susan hugs lucy. Aslan walks up and breathes on Tumnus, and Mr. Tumnus is restored as he falls forward into my arms.

"Tumnus, thank god," I say, we hug each other tightly. "I nearly thought I'd lost my brother."

"Susan this is..." Lucy said but got cut off.

"Mr Tumnus!" Susan smiles, they hug. Aslan comes towards us.

"Come, lets search the castle - others may still be trapped inside and Peter will need all the help he can get," Aslan says. "And Alice."

"Yes?" I ask. I felt warmth on me.

"There," Aslan smiles. I look down to see paws, I was a lioness I grinned as this brought back memories. Lucy and Susan gasps. "You have the honour of killing the witch."

"Why thank you," I smile with a chuckle.


"There are too many of them! Go! Get out of here! Get the girls, and get them home!" Peter shouts at Edmund.

"Come on, you heard him!" Mr Beavers says. Edmund starts to leave, then he sees Witch heading towards his brother and starts to go back.

"Peter said to go!" Mr Beaver cried out.

"Peter's not King yet!" Edmund shouts, he rushes down the hill and jumps and slashes his sword and breaks the witch's wand, a blue light spitting out of it. Everyone saw as she stabs him with the remainder of her wand. A grunt escaped his mouth as he fell.

"Edmund!!" Peter cries. He lost two of his closest friends. Peter is filled with rage. Peter and the Witch fight, slashing at each other without mercy. Then they see Aslan. What comes next is shocking for the witch, a lioness came up, but it was obvious who it was.

"Impossible!" Jadis whispers. Aslan nodded to Alice before she rushes to kill the Witch.

Everything seems like it's going in slow motion as Alice jumps onto Jadis, she transformed into her human form. Anger was clear in her dark blue eyes.

"I show no mercy," she says. "Specially to those who dare to invade my father's country!"

Alice stabs her sword into the witch's chest. Everyone around her cheered.

"It is finished," Aslan says. Alice now held a look of confusion and shock as she laid her forehead on the hilt of the sword, she needed a break. "Best not to disturb Alice."

The three Pevensies smile.

"Where's Edmund?" Susan asks. A dwarf hobbles up and is about to finish Edmund. Susan gasps before shooting the man.

Edmund coughs and gasps and Lucy pulls out her cordial and places one drop on Edmund's lips. He stops moving momentarily, the siblings held their breaths, before gasping and sitting up.

"When are you ever going to do are you're told?" Peter says laughing as tears streamed down his face. Laughing, they all went into group hug, Lucy went up to Alice and dragged her into the hug.

Lucy gets the idea to heal everyone and she walks over too someone else who is hurt.

[Alice' PoV]

"Oh Alice," Peter says, caressing my cheek. "I thought I lost you too..."

"You can't get rid of me that easily," I smirked.

"Says the girl who nearly died three times in a week," Edmund laughs out, everyone else chuckles too. "By the way, I'm never going to let that go you know!"

"Oh shut up," I say in embarrassment.

Peter chuckled. He traced his finger on my cheek before bringing my lips to his, we kissed - whilst ignoring the gagging from Edmund.

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