7. More than an Archer

Start from the beginning

"Sorry for barging in on you." Steve apologises placing a hand on Rachel's shoulder as she watched Natasha and Clint's youngest hug.

"Yeah, we would've called ahead but, we were busy having no idea you existed." Tony agrees looking towards Laura and Clint.

"Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined." Clint explains. "Kept it off Shield's Files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low." Clint concludes as Thor stood on a small Lego build by mistake.

"How's little Natasha?" Natasha asked Laura as she bent towards Laura's expecting stomach.

"She's... Nathaniel.." Laura stated cringing as Steve noticed Thor quickly kick the Legos under the chair subtly with his foot.

Natasha bent down further so she was directly in front of Laura's stomach before muttering:

"Traitor." Which made Rachel smile before she saw the little girl walked
up to Thor and look up at him almost as if she was confused as to who he was even though she knew who he was. Thor looked down at the girl before memories of his vision came back to him forcing him to suddenly leave the room without an explanation. Steve having noticed this followed him, calling after him as he did whilst Rachel crouched down in front of the frowning girl getting on one knee.

"So, what's your name?" Rachel asks allowing herself to relax. The girl's brown eyes lit up as the hero spoke to her.

"Lila." The young girl states. "I know you're Spitfire!" The girl smiled as Rachel cupped the young Barton's cheek with one hand.

"Call me Rachel." She tells Lila who nodded in delight before running into Rachel for a hug. Surprised it took her a moment to wrap her arms around Lila and she giggled as Rachel picked Lila up.

Tony and Bruce both shared a look before looking towards Rachel who smiled at Lila as she asked questions about London and her time fighting in New York which didn't seem to phase Rachel in the slightest. She laughed as she readjusted her grip on Lila, the young girl's arms wrapping around her neck as she spoke.

As Rachel momentarily turned her head towards the doorway her smile dropped into a concerned frown for a moment as she locked eyes with Steve who looked surprised towards her for a moment. Rachel smirked sweetly in his direction in which he returned before Lila drew Rachel's attention back to her.

Steve watched as Rachel acted like nothing had happened. Her smile ever increasing as she held Lila. Steve smiled to himself looking towards the floor knowing that whoever she was with she would become a great mother before he walked back outside for some well deserved fresh air.


About an hour later Rachel sat in one of the bedroom's having been given clothes from Laura to change into. That being a white vest and a light pair of grey jeans with a red, white and black flannel wrapped around her waist and she wore a pair of brown ankle boots on her feet.

Laura had basically given Rachel a break from the onslaught of questions her daughter was sending her way.

"Hey." Rachel looked up at the door to see Laura peeking her head through. "Can I come in?"

"Sure." Rachel responds allowing Laura in. She slowly walked to the bed where Rachel was sat and sat down beside her. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." Laura assures Rachel with a smile before it turned into a frown. "But you're not." Rachel sighed looking down at the floor as Laura placed a hand on her shoulder. "And I know that Nat isn't either. I'm also not going to question it." Laura kindly informed rubbing Rachel's back comfortably.

𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚎 ➋ ✔Where stories live. Discover now