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I swallowed as Luke followed in behind me, "Leo don't slouch and you must show your face" He scolded and i gulped before doing so, "Sorry Sir" I whispered "Good boy" He replied back without looking at me, "Well FINALLY you got yourself a sub" His brother who had dark Black hair says and beside him was a naked blond haired dude with a blue collar around his neck that had studs like dog collars.

"Whatever Jake" Luke snaps and i lock eyes with 'Jake's sub who just smirked at me and i knew i wouldn't like him. I gritted my teeth together as Both Jake and his Sub walked over to us, i couldn't help but find this a bit awkward.

"Leo this is Cole, my brothers Sub" Luke says "Hi" I muttered and felt Luke slightly stiffen beside me, Cole widens his eyes and Jake smirked "I see he still needs to be trained" TRAINED?! What's that supposed to mean?! "Appearantly" Luke sighed and place a hand on the back of my neck "Well, Dinner right?" Jake says and Luke nods "Yes"


Dinner was an awkward mix of eating and mumbling, not talking. just mumbling. and as soon as we finished and the maids placed our dishes out Jake stood up. "Well Cole and I are going to be in our room" Jake says then looked at his Collared sub "Come Cole" "Yes sir!" Cole piped up before following Jake perkily.

The moment they were gone Luke looked at me with a stern glare "What did i do?" I say worriedly "Being my sub, you are not allowed to talk to others without me permitting to" He scolds lightly "But- But-" I stammered "ANYONE" He says sternly and i hung my head "Yes Lu- Sir" I corrected myslef quickly "Good boy, and since it was your first time and you didn't really know, i'll let it slide for now" He says ruffling my hair "Thank you Sir" I say but it sounded more of a question.

"Cole, You would need to learn the full time training of being a Sub. You cannot do anything without your Dom permitting to, understand?" He says "Yes sir" I muttered "Yes sir what?" "Yes sir i understand"

"Good Boy, My scedule is a bit filled tommorow, in the morning i have work and i'll be back at around 5, Okay?" He says sternly "Okay- I mean, Yes Sir" I nodded my head quickly "Good, Now Follow me to Our Room Leo" He orders and i do so, keeping my head low to hide the embarassed blush forming in my cheeks.


I yawned and twitched my finger as i felt warmth on my cheek, "Wake up Leo" A voice whispered "Uhhggg" I Groaned "Leo... Wake up" The voice says huskily and a shiver runs down my spine. "5 moreeeeee" I whined, my mind slightly fuzzy then it clicked.

"Ah! I'm so Sorry!!" I yelped sitting up quickly, Luke was staring at me with a smirk, but it wasn't a cruel smirk, it was an amused smirk. "Your mind still a bit fuzzy pet?" He teases and i nod, my face heating up "S-sorry sir!" I squeaked and he grinned "It's alright. I'm going to work now and i want you to eat properly today, there's a gym here aswell so i want you to go there aswell okay?" He says "Yes sir!" I said enthusiastically "Good boy" His praise filled me up with warmth and i looked at him lovingly as he left.

. . . .

As Soon as i heard the front door close i hopped off the bed and out the room just as i heard Jake say goodbye to Cole and leave aswell, Oh....Cole....I forgot about him...

I skipped into the dining room with a big grin that quickly faded as soon as i had set my eyes on Cole, Cole's grin quickly turned into a mischevious Smirk.

"Well, Well...." He sneered and I gulped

I Told You So ~BDSM~ ~BoyxBoy~ ~Gay~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant