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Evolution never seemed to reach the human race. As decades passed, there was no change in humans. If anything, they were growing weaker. Everything around this race evolved but the only thing that evolved with humans was their technology. To fight this losing battle, the government passed a law. It was known as the Superior Law. It's impact was grand. In order to evolve the human race, human experimentation was viewed as a necessity. However, the government could not simply take away newborns. There was too much care involved with them. Thus it was decided that the government would take away children at the age of eight. The law was designed to help both the government's cause and societal problems. Keeping the true purpose of the law undercover, the government lied and claimed that this law was designed to help reduce the human population. Like sheep, the civilians believed it. In a matter of months the law was passed. Every family was only allowed one child: their first born. Any child born after that would be turned over to the government at the age of eight. Although by this time, the family and child had grown attached to each other, causing resistance. To extinguish this resistance, guards were sent to take the child by force if necessary. In addition to this, the government warned the civilians that becoming emotionally attached would only harm him or her and cause pain. Not wanting such a feeling to rape their hearts, parents distanced themselves and waited for the child to be taken. It had come to the point were most resistance was decimated. Some even begged the government to lower the age and take the children earlier.

Little did they know what the law was actually designed for. Nobody knew what happened to the children other than the government and its workers. The children were taken to live in camps throughout the country. Each was split up into districts, 10 in all. Each year the children would move to a different camp. The youngest of the children were farther away from Headquarters or the final camp. The older they grew the closer they were to the final camp until they were there. This was known to some as the death camp for only less than half of the population actually lived, it was quite sad. The children would reach this camp at the age of seventeen. Usually on their birthday or a few days after, these teens were scheduled for experimentation.

There were three strands that the teen could go into, this was decided before he or she boarded the train to Headquarters. The strands were the medical, scientific, and military strands. Each was designed to improve at least one aspect of the human race. For the medical strand, the scientists were to improve things such as resistance to disease, healing speed, and internal systems. The scientific strand was the most important of them all, resulting in the most human guinea pigs. This strand was to improve the exterior of the human. For example, scientists would mutate the person to have certain attributes like fangs, claws, gills, webbed feet, wings, and etcetera. In case this wasn't enough, the government wanted to give humans weapons or abilities to protect themselves. Thus the military strand was born. However, if this did not pan out, the government would still continue the military strand to have an unstoppable army. The more dangerous and deadly the person's power was the better. If the experiment were successful and deemed useful then that child would be sent off to a holding camp in the Artic. Away from civilization, the teen would work on his or her powers in order to be used as a soldier.

The passing of the Superior Law proved that the government could do anything they wanted now. Nobody questioned it and if there was a revolt, it could quickly be crushed. Civilians never questioned what would happen to the children the government had claimed, they simply obeyed. Many didn't agree with the law but there was nothing they could do. After all, these resistance groups were small and weak. As a result of this, most kept their mouths shut and swallowed their opinions. By not taking action, the people simply gave up and gave themselves to the mercy of the government. A fatal move. Over time, the people got used to the law and came to hate any child that was not the first born. People were prejudice and often treated any child that was not first born as an outcast. They were deemed as an unwanted ones. Soon some of the unwanted ones stopped coming to school all together. Many never even got an education. After all, they wouldn't be in school for long. As a result of this corrupted law, corruption spread like the bubonic plague. It was a domino effect that only a few could see and step out of the way as the others fell. Fell into the ugly monster of corruption. All of this for evolution. All of it in the name of science. All of it for survival.

Morals were shed and humanity was lost for one goal:

The Superior Human

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