My Cute stalker(Exo Kai and Red velvet Irene)

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What is the feeling when both of you love each other but can't tell how you feel?


Heart torn .


A piece is taken.



Lost half.

whole is not close enough to close the gap or to connect all the dots.


When you see the one you like with someone but you can't do anything and just watch that person from a distance.

I met this girl in the middle of Spring during my elementary days.

she’s one of a kind <3.  I’ve got to know her and I developed a crush on her. She’s a huge fanatic of music and Dancing :) which I love .

she’s soo cute! We’ve been talking and I want to get closer to her. She’s amazing in every sense of the word. She’s got a smile that will just melt my heart. I’m seriously crushing so hard on her <3  I want to go out with her and hopefully call her mine one day

My Cute stalker(Exo Kai and Red velvet Irene) | EXO Series |Where stories live. Discover now