Chapter 15:The Final Countdown

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I watched my life flash before my eyes. It was almost like the dream I had. It hit me like a brick. I began to break free from Supernova's hold. She pushed me down and I pushed back. I began to break free and energy flowed into my hands. I released it at her, she moved and let me go. The energy hit the wall behind her and she looked at me with rage in her eyes. I jumped forward just as she sent a blast of yellow energy at me. It hit the door and dissipated. She charged at me, and I ducked out of the way. At that, I threw an uppercut and hit her into the far wall. I marched forward, with my hands open and next to me. Energy coarse through my veins as I walked and I let charge up in my hands. She blasted a steam of energy at me and I dodged it just as I threw a charged ball of purple fire at her and it hit her in the chest. She hit the far wall and stayed down. The captain had disappeared. I looked everywhere and then I realized that as I was fighting Supernova, he had escaped through a door in the wall as he had locked the door after I came in. I searched for the door and luckily I found it and pushed it open. It was a tunnel, straight to the cannon. I went through as the final countdown began

I jumped out of the hole from the tunnel and he was standing in front of me, ready for a fight. The cannon was charging up and the noise it made was deafening. "You can't win," the captain screamed out, above the noise.
"I will beat you," I screamed back, "you are just some lowly captain of a ship against me, a superhuman."
"The thing is that I am not fighting you," he chuckled and pointed up, "he is."
I looked up and saw that The Destroyer was slowly floating down towards me. "He wanted to kill you by himself after what you did to him in the bunker and we made a plan," he explained, "so he killed your sister, allowed you to kill Cyber-Strike and he finished off Supernova."
"No, I screamed out and dropped to my knees.
"And we are also going to let your friends watch," and at that, four Katari soldiers brought out Casey and Dennis who had taken quite a beating but were still solemn. Their mouths were covered by a mask and they just looked at me. I could see in Casey's that she was telling me that I have got this. I got up and immediately there was a flash, where The Destroyer was standing and I was punched across the face twice and was thrown into the far wall. I  did not try to fight back this time. I was too busy thinking of my sister and how she was always by my side. I thought of the dream and how I had already seen that she was evil. I thought of earth and all the good things about it and the friends I had made there. Then I realized that more memories can still be made and that I could not let them obliterate it.
I was about two meters into the floor due to the extent at which The Destroyer was punching  me and I grabbed his fist as he made the next punch. He threw the other fist and I caught it. Energy surged and I began to float up to standing position. The Destroyer was probably freaked out because he did absolutely nothing at this moment. I looked him, straight in the eye, grinned and said, "Let the real fight begin."

I threw two punches and he stepped back, barely trying to dodge or black them. I stepped forward and continued punching him and he kept moving back, taking this point, I got so angry that I ignited my fist and when I punched him in the face, he actually reeled back and had to wipe blood from his mouth. His face twitched from rage and charged at me. I flew backwards as he tried to punch me in the face. He flew after me at an alarming speed. When I flew far enough back to be against a far wall, I pushed myself off of the wall, at him. He was caught off guard and I threw a right hook that made him hit the ground. He got up and I rushed at him, hitting him again. He got up and I hit him back down. When I punched him a third time, he caught my fist and I ignited my fist, burning his hand. He let go immediately and I struck him with my palm with such force, that he dropped to his knees. I grabbed him by the throat and I slowly started to lift him off the ground. He struggled and I released a spark of energy into his throat. I heard a muffled cry. When we were high up enough, I threw him at the energy capsules that are used to power the cannon. He broke the glass and went straight through the capsules. I heard a cry and watched as he got vaporized by the powerful energy when it exploded. The cannon shut down and the green liquid in the other capsules turned black.
I watched as the captain's mouth dropped in disbelief. I took my opportunity and I charged at the four Katari,holding my friends as they were stunned by me killing The Destroyer . I punched one of them, through a wall. They began to back away slowly and I rushed at them, grabbing one and snapping its neck. The other two ran for their lives and I blasted them in the back with enough energy to turn ice to gas. As they layed on the floor, dead, I broke the shackles around Casey and Dennis's mouths and hands and turned to face the Captain. We had finally won...

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