Chapter 12

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I was in the nurses office as the nurse took care of my wounds. I made unpleasant faces as the nurse applied rubbing alcohol on my opened cuts.

"And your all done!" Said the nurse happily.

"Thank you"

"Your welcome dear! Just make sure you take some pain killers for the next couple of days and you should be good in no time!"

The nurse handed me a small bottle of pain killers. I honestly could've just healed myself easily but Fairy Godmother refused to let me use my magic. Either way I feel weak right now due to the fact that I used so much of my magic to defeat the dragon.

I looked over to see bad apple, the lizard that I decided to keep, in his new home. Which is a reptile cage. I slowly got up from the bed and grabbed the cage as I headed out the door. Out the door, Aslan waited for me and came quickly to my side.

"Easy there princess."

"Aslan I'm fine, I can stand up perfectly fine now." I giggled as Aslan was still at my side.

As soon as Aslan opened the door for me, I was greeted by almost the whole school that was clapping and cheering for me for saving them. There was even a banner that said 'Thank You for saving our lives!'.

"What's all this?"

"It's just a little surprise we all did." Mal said as she came out of the crowd with a cake.

"But aren't they all scared of me?"

"Aw sweetie no one is scared of you. Well not anymore since you saved everyone." Evie said as she gave me a hug.

"Thank you for everything guys but I'll just head up to my room now to rest."

"I'll make sure you get to your room safe." Jay insisted.

"It's fine dude I got her." Aslan said with a little overprotective tone.

I sensed tension between them so I had to think fast.

"Actually I would like Evie to take me to my room."

"I would be happy to."

Now that that was settled, Evie accompany me to my room. Once I got to my room she helped me into bed and she set down bad apple on my nightstand.

"Do you need anything else before I leave?"

"No I'm fine Evie. Thanks for walking me to my room, I couldn't have let Jay or Aslan take me since they looked like they were going to kill each other."

"It's not a problem at all. I'll let you rest Harlow see ya."

I waved goodbye to Evie and she closed the door behind her. I decided to take a painkiller to help me sleep and to help get rid of the pain. About five minutes later I drifted off to sleep.

*Harlow's Dream*

I woke up laying on a cold floor and it was very foggy. I got up from the floor and stood up.

"Hello?" My voice echoed.

"Harlow.........Harlow......" A voice kept repeating my name over and over again.

"Who's there?! Show yourself or else I'll blast you with a fireball."

I tried to conjure a fireball but my magic wasn't working for some reason.

"Silly girl, your magic doesn't work here." Echoed the voice.

"Who are you!" I took a couple of deep breaths to keep myself calm.

The voice ignored me and everything went silent. I looked around the room waiting for someone to show up or for the voice to come back.

"AHHH" I screamed in pain as a dark figure showed up in front of me as they shocked me.

When I looked up again the figure was gone. I just heard the voice laugh evilly.

"I'm coming for you Harlow, if it's the last thing I do!"

"Leave me alone!"  I screamed again and again as I cried.


I woke up in my bed sweating and felt tears on my face as I continued to cry. I looked at my hands and I was shaking like crazy.

"Harlow! What's wrong!" Aslan knocked down my door and ran to my side.

I didn't say a word as I began to cry more. Aslan sat next to me on my bed and held me as he whipped my tears away.

"Shhh it's ok, it was only a bad dream." Aslan placed some of my hair behind my ear.

"It felt too real to be a bad dream."

"Tell me what happened in you dream."

"I-I was in a dark room and there was f-f-fog everywhere. I was powerless and then t-this voice said that t-they were coming to get me." I stuttered.

"No one is coming to get you. Not if I'm here to protect you."  Aslan petted my head as he tried to calm me down.

"W-wait how did you get here so fast?"

"U-uh w-well I just sat in front of your door just to protect you and then the next thing I know was that you kept screaming 'leave me alone' a lot. Are you mad?"

"No I'm not mad. I'm glad you were outside my door."

I looked over to see it was 12:03am. I took such a long nap. I still felt sleepy but I'm too scared to go back to sleep.

"Well I should let you get some sleep. I'll be waiting outside your door."

Aslan got up from my bed but before he could go farther away from my bed I grabbed his wrist. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me.

"Can you stay with me tonight? I'm scared to be alone right now." I looked down at my sheets embarrassed of what I just said.

"I'll be happy to stay with you tonight princess." He lifted my chin up with his finger and smiled at me.

I smiled back and scooted over to make room for Aslan in my bed.

"You want me to sleep with you tonight princess? And not in that way."


He smiled at me and nodded yes. He went to go shut my door and laid next to me on my bed. I turned the opposite from him and before you know it he wrapped his arm around me and started to spoon me. I smiled as I drifted into sleep again.

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