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The Doctor. She isn't some women of medicine and healing, but rather, a Timelord; a time traveling alien from the planet Gallifrey. A destroyed planet. Meaning the traveler was the last of her kind. But, that didn't hurt her as much as did to older selves, but instead, helped her realize that she was going to help ignite hope, joy, justice and peace among other worlds, times, and universes. She was going to be the hand who leads people to freedom and happiness. The Doctor may be an alien, but, she is the most humane begins out in the multiverse. And this is an actual proven fact.

The Doctor ran her fingers through her short blonde hair. She was still getting used to her new form. Her female form. It was so odd to her. All this felt weird. She was still just it all so strange that she was girl. A BLOODY GIRL. All her previous regenerations had been males of all sorts of ages, but none of them were a female. She was the first. Which wasn't bad. But, it certainly was odd. Very odd. The Doctor was then suddenly pull out of her thoughts as she noticed quite the peculiar looking man suddenly standing next to her side. He then slowly looked at her.

  " Can I help you?" she asks him, her tone was somehow polite even though she was spoked from the unexpectedness of it all. The Doctor's thick British accent carried out as she smiles softly at him. The strange man then taps his fingers on the brides cold metal railings that over look the pound beneath them. He slowly reached into his jacket, which made her body instinctively tense up. The Doctors mind is racing. Over many centuries of fighting for what's right, and seeing what is arguably the worst of humanity and alien kinds alike, has left her with a sort of slight paranoia of peoples true motives. The doctors instincts told her to just reach her hand into the back of her pant pocket and wrap her nimble fingers around the cold exterior of her sonic screwdriver. But, she didn't. She resisted her instincts and instead took a silent breath and watched the man carefully. He pulled out a weird sort of governmental badge.

She sighed in annoyances.

"No" she snaps already no longer interested in anything he has to offer. "Whoever you are, whoever you work have the wrong man... I mean, woman... you get what I'm saying..." she stated. She couldn't do it again. She couldn't fall into a really, really, bad governmental trap like Ten had. No, she refused the idea of starting a possibly universal ending event so early in the week. It was only Tuesday! Tuesday, for heavens sake!

" My name is Agent Phil Coulson, I work for SHIELD" He explains despite her open protests. "You are The Doctor or at least so we been told by some of your old companies..." and with that he offers her a small sliver tablet.

"This can't be?" she states in shock. Her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion as stared at the blue glowing cube that was on her screen. She knew it. She knew all about it; It was an infinity stone. A powerful gem of mass destruction in the wrong hands. Any hands actually.

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