Ch.1 Big baby

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Yugi's POV

          I was walking down the street. Going back home from a long day at school. Which I hate since I get bullied. Joey, Duke, Tristen, and Ryou try to make it stop. But it never works. Not even Yami would help me. He is still in the puzzle. Like how Bakura is still in Ryou's ring. I love the spirt. But I'm not, sure, he loves me back! I do hear him in the link. Saying: "I love him, but what if he does not love me back?" I feel like he is saying she, not he. It breaks my heart to hear him say that. Every... single...time. And every single time he does not help me; when I get beat! But when I do, I see Yami cry. He looks like he wants to help me. But it's like a chain is around his neck. Preventing him from helping me!

          I'm saying "helping me" to muc... AHAH! I had tripped... over a pebble. Landing on my face. Flat... on my face. My nose is bleeding badly. My head has a gash on top of it; on my forehead. Having blood covering half of my face. My face, legs, and arms having scratches on them. Legs, and arms, and also my hands bleeding. "I'm so hopeless, and useless," I said a load to myself. "No, your not. Yugo where did you get that idea from?" A familiar voice asked. I looked up to see the spirt. "I am hopeless and useless. I tripped over a pebble for ra's sake!" I told him. Looking at him sadly. Getting up and walking away.

          Walking back to the game shop. Trying to walk away from the spirt. But of course, he was still floating next to me. Like a puppy following its master. "Uh, Yugi?" I heard the spirit call. "Yes, spirt?" I called back to him. Making him gasp because I called him "spirt," not Yami. "Why, did you call me, spirt instead of Yami, Yugi?" I looked at him. He was half red and normal. But maybe he's red because of the blood covering half of my face. "Maybe, because you stop calling me Aibou!" I told him saying what came to mind. That was not a lie.

          "I really miss that nickname! So maybe I call you Pharaoh now? You are the nameless Pharaoh after all. The most famous!" I said with little emotion. "Or maybe Pharaoh Atem! That's your name, right?" I asked with more less emotion. "Or nameless Pharaoh?" I asked again with no emotion. "Uh-huh? This is harder than I thought? Should I call you spirt? Pharaoh? Pharaoh Atem? Nameless Pharaoh? There just too many choices." I stopped walking to look at the formal Pharaoh. Who was shocked at my actions. But now it was my turn to be shocked. Why? Because I felt arms go around me. I looked down to see a crying Yami. Holding me, on his knees, crying onto my chest. "YUGI! HOW COULD YOU!? YOU CALL ME YAMI! NOT PHARAOH! NOT PHARAOH ATEM! NOT NAMELESS PHARAOH! NOT EVEN SPIRIT! JUST CALL ME YAMI!" He cried. And I thought I was childish! But I guess not.

          "Besides, that is not me anymore! He is just my twin brother! And he has Heba your twin brother!" Yami cried again. Childish!~ "Fine, I would call you Yami! You big baby!" He stopped crying and gave me a smile. "You're a big baby you know that right?" I looked at him with that same smile. "No! I did not know!" This guy is hopeless. "Oh, by the way, Yami. Your eyeliner is running!" I looked into a bag I have. Looking for something... until I found it. Pulling it out of my bag showing Yai, that it is an eyeliner. Waterproof eyeliner! And I also pulled out a mirror. So he can see himself. And when he did he looked shocked. "Oh, my ra! I'm a mess!" Yami said still shocked. "Yes, you are. Now let's go! When we get home I would fix your" He nodded and walked alongside me. Walking back to the game shop.

          Where grandpa was waiting for us. "Hello, Yugi, welcome home," Grandpa greeted us at the door. "Hello, grandpa... I would help you in a minute. I have to fix up the spirts face." When I said spirt Yami made himself visible. "YAMI!" He shouted. "NOT "SPIRT," YAMI!" He shouted again. "Sorry, I meant: I have to fix Yami's face up!" I rephrased it. "What happened to his face?" Grandpa asked so I grabbed Yami's sleeve. Pulling him in front of me showing grandpa, his face. "Oh, well, you can fix his face. But afterward, you help me." I nodded my head and went to the door at the back of the shop. Taking off my shoes and going to my room. And putting my bag down next to my bed. Laying down on my bed. Going into my soul room.


          Waking up to an bright light is not fun. Getting up to see toys and pictures of my friends with me. Some with just Yami, well, I have a lot of pictures with Yami. Then ones with me and Yami together. I have a lot of those too. But I opened the only door to the dark hallway. On the other side was Yami's soul. Not opened and dark. The only light being given is the light from my room. From the inside of my room, the light is very bright. It can blind anyone if they look at it long enough? I would not blame him. And when I mean him I mean Yami. I don't blame him if he has no lights.

          And I almost forgot I still have blood on my face. And I know grandpa saw it. But not wanted to tell me because he was in disbelief. But not anywho I opened the door to Yami's soul. Having it dark in the room the only thing you can see is; a stone throne in the middle of the room. "Guess it is still might be the same," I said aloud to my self. Have clapped my hands together, making me see a little more things in the room... STAIRS AND DOORS! That's all that is in his room. Stairs and doors! I might need to talk to Yami about this. But having to walk to the right of the throne. Up the stairs, and up more stairs. Walking and walking. Going up and up. Left to left and right to right. Having finally made it to his room!

          Opening the door to his room. Seeing a bed with red silk blankets and pillows. A dresser with a mirror on it. Having some products on top of it. "Yami, where are you? I don't have time to play around. I have to help grandpa in the shop." I looked around the room and saw nothing. I past Yami's bed to see something? So I looked at his bed again. And I saw Yami on the bed! He was at the edge crossing his legs and arms. I tried not to laugh. Because of how funny Yami looks. He is trying to look all serious; when he has his make-up running. But I could not hold it in any longer. I burst out laughing blood falling to the ground. "What's so funny?" He asked. Uncrossing his arms and legs. Looking at me confused. "I--It's just... y-your face. Haha... you l--look so funny," I said holding onto my stomach. I also saw Yami roll his eyes. "Okay, okay, I would fix your make-up. And I promise not to laugh," I told him. He nodded and walked to the dresser, and sat down.

          "And when you're fixing my make-up; I would fix up your face!" I nodded in understanding. "Sure, okay," I said to him. And so I started to fix Yami's make-up. And he cleaned, plus, fixed up my face. Being completely silent. Just touching each others faces (wow!)... Which was awkward. "Can you stop looking at me like that!?" I asked Yami; who was staring at me weird. "Sure," He said as nothing happened; like he was never staring.

           "Alright done!" I said moving away from Yami. But he pulled me back to him. "Yami, what?" I tried to say, but he shushed me. "Don't talk, Yugi, I'm almost done," Yami said still cleaning up my wounds; and rapping them up. "How, much longer are you going to take?" I asked Yami who was taking forever. I should be helping grandpa right now. Until he was finally down, I ran out of Yami's soul room, and into mine. And I got out fo my soul room. Ran out of my room and to the game shop. This is going to be a long day!

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