This time, he allowed the kids to celebrate and make plans. All except for one, Dan. She knew that for the insurance of everyone else she had been barred to exercise with the rest.

When the time for the class came, Dan was instructed to find her English book ( a language she had chosen to learn with hopes of one day visiting other parts of the world ). Her mentor was a gorgeous British woman with dark hair and a warm smile that made her look forward to every lesson.

It was barely twenty past ten in the morning when she went back to her room to enjoy her free period. She paced around for a while, babbling to herself in English, taking the benefit of this isolated moment. But then narrating in the language became boring, and the girl had no other idea than to visit her favorite spot in the Institute.

Dan climbed to the roof of the grand home, using the window to break out. She paused, one foot still inside the prison, the picture was extraordinary. Large buildings, dirty roofs, people relishing their visit, and the Eiffel Tower, which wasn't too far from the building she was in.

A grin crawled onto her face as she counted five minutes until she had to go back inside. It would be about ten twenty-five, implying her roommates would be back and they could not realize she ran away when the chance presented. One final time she viewed the metal structure, admiring its simple art.

Five minutes.

Puffing out her faith, she stood up, ready to leave this beauty behind. Then, something terrifying happened. The ground began trembling, making the girl fall on her butt and begin sliding down the damp tiles. Holding back a scream, she attempted to hold onto anything, finding temporal security on the fringe of a roof. But the thin metal could only resist so much weight.

She did not realize it then, but the roof of this house was closer to the ground, unlike the one on the Institute. Her own sweat betrayed her, loosening the weak grip she had, fingers slipping off. She prepared for the worst. A broken leg or arm, losing a limb, dying. Then, in a nervous blink, she fell onto the ground, knees taking the fall. It'd barely hurt.

Adrenaline sent her straight up to her feet, filling her body with energy. She glanced around the street. She was lost. Following her basic instinct, she looked at the desperate crowd running in one direction, so she did the same. They lead her towards her favorite sight, the Eiffel Tower in all its glory. Had it not been for the quacking ground and anxious noises, Dan would have enjoyed being there.

The conclusion of being lost hit her like all these adults did. She knew the Institute was near, but how close? The building could not be seen from there ( as the structure could from that special spot ). The constructions looked identical, it would be difficult to figure her way back. She hated herself for having that small desire to escape that place and never go back because she now missed that security. Who would protect her out there?

She pushed through the crowd, wishing to escape the suffocating mass. Then, when she reached an opening, it was only her, the sound drowned out as she focused ahead. Six children sporting a way cooler outfit stood before the Tower, identities hidden by a raven mask. A smirk materialized on their faces before they proceeded to levitate.

Dan's jaw dropped, they were just like her. She had finally found some kids like her, she wasn't alone anymore. They would certainly accept her, make her feel comfortable in a place for once. Her mind wandered with numerous possibilities of their encounter

"Little girl you can't be here," a police officer carefully dabbed her shoulder, scaring the shit out of her. "You have to stay behind the line," he pointed to the infamous yellow tape. Attending to his orders, she took a step back and looked up at the structure, fascinated by these children.

 𝐋𝐄𝐓'𝐒 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 ― k. hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now