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Here's something I need to clear up;
The CyberLife Kingdom is going to be heavily inspired by ancient Japan and the Jericho kingdom will be inspired by ancient India. So, all Hindi phrases and all Japanese phrases will be translated in the end card.
Btw, by "inspired" I don't mean that they are exact replicas of ancient Japan's and ancient India's lifestyle, I mean something more like CyberLife officials will speak to each other in Japanese, they listen to ancient Japanese music, wear ancient Japanese clothes, etc. these depictions are based on culture, not any sort of caste systems or hierarchy that these two civilizations had. Their punishment system and hierarchies are made entirely by me.
(Also CyberLife being based off ancient Japan totally isn't an excuse for me to practice my Japanese without the looming threat of the Duolingo bird.)


Markus and Simon looked over the mountains and trees of the country. It was springtime, so it was indescribably beautiful. The mountains were just barely sprinkled in snow, leaving almost every mountain peak a gradient from white, to sky blue, to green. The trees were even more wondrous. The bark colors were rich and deeply colored with a black, white, or brown. Light pink cherry blossom petals made a pathway across every road that would go up to your ankle if you were to step in it. Beautiful and clean lakes only intensified the beauty. Reflecting an image of the beautiful cities as they were carted by.

Even more unusual than such a beautiful spring being spread across a country Markus hated, was the repetition of the blue triangle, the symbol of CyberLife. A blue triangle was planted everywhere you'd expect to find one. It was plastered onto every cart, door, and flag.

Of course, it was in mourning for their former leader, Elijah Kamski, and Jericho didn't look that much different when it came to representing their love for their country through waving their flag in hard times. However, the repetition of the symbol left a sour taste in Markus's mouth. His eyes frantically bolted across the city.
   Simon patted his friend on his back.
   "Don't worry Markus, I'm right here."
   Markus nodded then refused look at the town. Trying to focus on only his friend and the beautiful spring day.
Simon and Markus looked over to see that someone had thrown a stone at their window. They looked around frantically only to see that people had gathered around them. They were waving CyberLife flags, screaming and booing at the Jericho leaders.
The CyberLife people were obviously not thrilled, about their arrival.

Simon and Markus looked at each other, it was obvious that Simon was getting nauseous from the distress.
"Simon, are you alright?"
   Markus got up out of his seat and opened a small window between the holding cart and the coachmen.
   "HEY!" Markus yelled at the man who was having to drive through this mess.
   "Your majesty?!
   "Are you in need of any assistance, sir?!"
Suddenly, a civilian threw a stone at the wheel, causing the vehicle to drastically shift and nearly capsize. The coachman nearly lost control, but Markus threw his torso over the small window and grabbed the coach straps and threw the coach back into its original place.
The coachman looked at Markus with the utmost gratitude.
Suddenly, the protesters stopped, they had backed away. Simon, Markus, and the Coachman all looked around to discover they were surrounded by CyberLife guards in large, bulky, metal, armor. They pushed the protesters back, telling them that they were in CyberLife by command of the government.

Markus looked at the coachman one last time, before reaching his hand out for a handshake, "My name is Markus."
The coachman stared, before grabbing the leader's hand, "John."
Markus finally retreated back to the holding area, where Simon was hyperventilating. The ruler sat down next to Simon, and leaned him next to him in order to calm him down.
"Markus, don't, I think I'm going to vomit."
"Oh," Markus said, scooting away from Simon.

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