Accounts for Temple Thornton 1308-10 (TNA: E 199/33/3) with translation

Start from the beginning

Pasch' vend' Et de .vi. \d/ rec[eptum] de t[r]ibus arur[is] vend' p[re]t[ium] cuil[ibet] arr[ure] -- ii.d. Et de iiii.s iiii.d rec[eptum]
Easter, sold. And for 6 d received for three plough -ervices sold, value of each ploughservice 2 d. And for 4 s 4 d received

de .Lii. op[er]ar' autu[m]pnal' vend' p[re]t[ium] cuil[ibet] op[er]ar[um] -- i.d. Et de .xiii.d rec[eptum] de .xiii. p[re]car[iarum] vend'
from 52 autumnal works sold, value of each work 1 d. And for 13 d received from 13 boon-works sold

p[re]t[ium] cuil[ibet] .i.d. Et de .iii.s. rec[eptum] de columbar[io] p[er] id[e]m temp[us]. Et de .c.s rec[eptum] de molend' p[er] id[e]m
value of each 1 d. And for 3 s received from the dovecote during the same period. And for 1000 s received from the mill during the same

temp[us]. Et de .iii.s. rec[eptum] hoc anno de turbar[ia] vend' -- Suma -- ix.Lj.iii.s.vii.d
period. And for 3 s received this year from the sale of turbary (the right to cut peat or turves). Total: £9, 3 s 7 d.

[scratched out line: Et de vj d de t[ri]b[us] appur' t[ri]u[m] tenent': and for 6 d. from three plough services from three tenants]

\\Heley/ Et idem reddit co[m]pot[us] de .iiii.L.vii.s.xi.d. ob' rec[eptum] de redd' ass' lib[er]e ten' et cust' aliorum ville
Healey And the same renders account for £4, 7 s 9½ d received from rents of assise from free and other customary tenants from the village

de Heley ad p[re]scriptos t[er][m]i[n]os. Et de .xvii.s. rec[eptum] de firma molend' de Heley p[er] id[e]m temp[us] Et de .vi.s.
of Healey at the afore-written dates. And for 17 s received from the lease of the mill of Healey during the same period. And for 6 s

rec[ept'] de bracinage' ibid[e]m Et de xx.d. rec[ept'] de xx gall' de redd' ad Natal' vend'. Et de x.d.
received for the right to brew there. And for 20 d received for 20 cockerels rendered at Christmas and sold. And for 10 d

rec[eptum] de .cc. ov' de redd' ad pasch' ibid[em] vend' Et de .vii.s. rec[eptum] de redd' ass' de Corbrug' per
received for 100 eggs rendered there at Easter, sold.  Corbridge  And for 7 s received from the rents of assise of Corbridge during

\\Corbrigg'/ id[e]m temp[u]s ad d[ic]tos terminos Et de lxv.s.ii.d rec[eptum] de redd' ass' ville de [word crossed out] \Threppewod/ per idem tempus
the same period at the said dates. Threepwood And for 65 s 2 d received from rents of assise from the village of Threepwood during the same period

\\Threpewod/ ad d[ic]tos terminos Suma – ix.L.vii.s.vii.d. ob'
at the same dates. Total: £ 9, 7 s 7½ d.

\\villa Novi Cast' cum vill[is]' adiac[entibus/ Id[e]m reddit co[m]pot' de .lxxiii.s.ix.d rec[eptum] de redd' ass' p[er] id[e]m tempus ad predictis t[er]minis de villa
The town of Newcastle and adjacent villages The same renders account for 73 s 9 d received from rents of assise during the same period at the same dates from the town of

Novi Cast' sup[er] Tynam et vill[is] adiacentibus vid[elicit] Fennum Kynton Resemuth et Redwod. Et
Newcastle upon Tyne and the adjacent villages, viz. Fenham, Kenton, Reedsmouth and Ratchwood. And

de .xl.s. receptum de div[er]cis terris de Fennum cum operar' ad firma[m] in certum part[em] per idem tempus ad
for 40 s received from various lands in Fenham with works leased out at farm during the same period at

predictos terminos. Et de .xii.d r[ecept'] ibidem de xii.gall' et gallinis de redd' ad Natal' Et de .vi.d
the aforesaid dates. And for 12 d received there from 12 cockerels and hens rendered at Christmas. And for 6 d

r[ecept'] ibidem de cxx. ov' vend de redd' ad pasch – S[u]ma – cxv.s.iii.d
received there from 120 eggs rendered at Easter, sold. Total 115 s 3 d.

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