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We apologize for not accepting poetry it's mainly because for now we have no legit criteria for it. Maybe in season 2 we will.  😊😊
Short stories were not accepted because many of the criteria may not apply to it.

The judging will run on a point system and we request every judge to pm their results to this account or to any of the two hosts. As you past your judging scores to us, please mention the author, the title, and the genre of the book.

This criteria is mainly for the judges to make it easier to judge:

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Prelim Round (Judged by Hosts):
Cover and Title (5 pts.)
- relatedness to the plot
- design and creativity

Blurb (10 pts.)
- entice readers to read
- too vague or too clear

First three Chapter (15 pts.)
- how hooking was the first one or three Chapters.

Total: 30 pts

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Rounds 1 and 2 (For Judges):
Overall Grammar and Spelling
(15 pts)
- Did the book violate any grammar rules too often?
- are there misspells often?
- Did the violations distract you from reading?

Sentence Construction, Format, and Word use (15 pts)
- were there multiple misused punctuations?
- how is the vocabulary? Were words used well?
- was the word play exceptional? Or was it too hard to understand?

Plot Development (25 pts):
- what was the conflict? Were you able to determine quickly?
- was the pacing slow or fast? Or just right? Was the transition between scenes amazing?
- were there any plot twists?
- was the plot original?

Character Development (20 pts):
- were the characters real and relatable? Is there depth to them?
- was there growth throughout the story?
- were there info dumps about their backstory, plans, lives, etc.? Or were the characters slowly revealed overtime?
- are the dialogue between characters seemed natural and not forced?

Use of Literary Devices (20 pts.)
- devices include: flashback, flash forward, foreshadowing, simile, metaphor, etc.
- were the devices used correctly and exceptionally to the benefit of the author?
- was there adequate description in the book that allowed you to clearly imagine the scene? Or was it too vague? Or too much?
- are the descriptions seemingly woven cleverly into the story without actually breaking the events? Or did the scene seem to stop because the author had to describe the sword?

Reader Impact (30 pts)
- as a reader, were you immediately hooked in the story?
- are the chapter endings so hooking and enticing it keeps you want to read the next chapter?
- is the story so gripping that you found yourself immersed in the world?
- was your heart broken, bruised, battered, just to be healed and renewed again? Basically, did you get attached?

Want (5 pts.)
- do you think the story has a chance to win?
- really, this is just a bonus.  😊😊

Further notes:

Total: 130 pts.

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Sample Score Sheet:

Title: Remember
Author: The-Wisher
Genre: Teen Fic

Grammar/Spelling: 11/15
Sentence/Format/Words: 13/15
Plot: 19/25
Character: 14/20
Literary Devices: 10/20
Reader Impact: 21/30
Want: 3/5

Further note: I suggest the author to hire a reviewer.

That's it! We want to thank everyone for participating! Happy Competing!

That's it! We want to thank everyone for participating! Happy Competing!

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Rising Star Awards 2019 [Need Judges!]Where stories live. Discover now