Northumberland and Co. Durham: January to November 1308

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quem lib[eravit] in Th[esaur]o. Et in vadijs ij garc[i]onu[m] eunt' ad herc' temp[or]e se[m]i[n]is p[er] xxxvj dies quolibet capiente p[er] diem J d: vj s sic[ut] cont[inetur] ibidem. Et in empt[i]one viij q[u]\a/rter' aven[e] p[er] estimac[i]o[ne]m

{which he handed over to the Treasury. And in wages of two lads going with the harrow at the time of sowing for 36 days, each receiving 1 d. a day: 6 s, as is contained in the same place. And for the purchase of an estimated 8 quarters of oats }

in garbis p[ro] sustentac[i]one xxv boum de caruca a p[ri]mo die Febr' d[ic]to anno p[ri]mo usq[ue] xvj diem Marcij p[ro]x' seq[ue]nt' p[er] xliiij dies xvj s. Et in vij q[u]\a/rter' J b[ussel'] aven[e] div[er]si p[re][ci']

{in sheaves to sustain 25 plough-oxen from the first of February in the said year 1308 until the 16 day of March next following through 44 days: 16 s. and for 7 quarters 1 bushel of oats at various prices}

empt' ad p[re]bend[am] equor[um] carucar[um] + car\c/tar] + p[ro] sustentac[i]one porcor[um] a p[ri]mo Febr' anno p[ri]mo usq[ue] xvj diem Marcij p[ro]x' sequen' p[er] xliiij dies: xj s iiij d ob[ol'] sic[ut] cont[inetur] ibide[m]. Et

{bought for fodder for the plough- and the cart-horses and to sustain the pigs from 1 February 1308 until 16 March next following throughout 44 days: 11 s 4½ d as is contained in the same place. And}

xlv q[u]\a/rter' + di[mid'] iij b[ussel'] iiij pek' mixtil' empt' ad lib[er]at[i]o[ne]m famulor[um] p[er] temp[us] p[re]d[ic]t[u]m: ix li iij s x d ob[ol'] sic[ut] cont[inetur] ibidem. Et in v quarter' v b[ussel'] + di[mid'] aven[e] empt' pro

{45½ quarters, 3 bushels and 4 pecks of maslin bought for giving to the farmworkers during the aforesaid time: £9, 3 s 10½ d just as is contained in the same place. And for 5 quarters, 5½ bushels of oats bought for}

farina inde faciend' ad potag' fam[u]lor[um] eor[un]dem p[er] idem t[em]p[u]s, xj s iiij d ob[ol'] sic[ut] cont[inetur] ibide[m]. Et in sale empt' ad idem p[er] idem t[em]p[u]s xx d. Et in stip[e]n' cuiusdam fabri emendantis

{flour for making porridge for the same farmworkers during the same period: 11 s 4½ d just as is contained in the same place. And for salt bought for the same during the same period: 20 d. and as salary of a certain smith improving}

+ rep[ar]ant' ferram[en]ta carucar[um] + car\c/tar[um] + in ferrura equor[um] carucar[um] + car\c/tar[um] ex co[n]ventc[i]one a xij die Januar' usq[ue] xxviij diem Septembr', viij s sic[ut] cont[inetur] ibide[m]. Et in stip[e]n\d/

{and repairing the ironwork of the ploughs and carts and in shoes for the plough- and cart-horses, from 12 January to 28 September by convention: 13 s, as is contained in the same place. And as salary of}

uni[us] car\c/tar', vj carucar', ij herc', uni[us] vaccar', J porcar', + uni[us] ancille{1} existent' in maner[io] p[re]d[ic]to a festo s[anc]ti Mich[ae]lis anno p[ri]mo usq[ue] ad festu[m] s[anc]ti Mich[ael]is p[ro]x' seq[ue]ns vid[elicet] p[er] unu[m] annu[m] integ[r]\um/

{one carter, 6 ploughmen, 2 harrowers, one cowherd, 1 swineheard and one maid{1} in the manor from Michaelmas 1307 until Michaelmas 1308, that is during one entire year}

Lx s sic[ut] cont[inetur] ibidem. Et in bladis sarcland': vj s viij d. Et p[ro] falcac[i]one xxj acre' p[r]\a/ti, collect[i]one, tassac[i]one + caria feni eiusde[m], xiij s vj d. Et cuidam Carpentar' p[ro]

{60 s as is contained in the same place. And for weeding or hoeing the grain: 6 s 13 d. And for mowing 21 acres of meadow, collecting up, stacking and carriage of hay from the same: 13 s 6 d. and to a certain Carpenter for }

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