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After stopping to wrap up her shoulder as best she could with strips of cloth from her tunic, she continued through the streets of the Capitol, weaving through the crowds. The girl knew she needed new clothes and to better dress the wound. But where could she do that without revealing herself?

Speaking would be her first step. No avox could speak, and since she still had her tongue, no one could prove anything.

It was now snowing, and the day was getting colder by the minute. The simple tunic and pants she wore would be of almost no use. She would have to revert to her old habit of stealing what she needed. She remembered her twelve-year-old self, and tried to pull up some of that courage. The nerve to take the risk of stealing, with all these Peacekeepers around.

She stopped by a rack of garments, surrounded by colorful citizens grabbing at the clothes. She snatched a pair of fluffy sandals and a sweater, pulling the sweater over her shivering body and pulling on the flip-flops before someone stepped on her foot again.

The girl kept going, knowing not to press her luck at one place. She stole some socks and a scarf at the next stand, figuring she couldn't be any more conspicuous than the person next to her. The crowd was pressing towards the President's mansion, and she decided to follow along. Bits of overheard conversations told her that shelter awaited there, and it seemed like a good plan. She could find her sister in the morning.

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