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Plutarch Heavensbee was missing. The electricity was cut. Shrieks were heard throughout the halls of the Control Center.

The girl panicked and dropped her tray, glass shattering on the thick carpet. Terrified of the beating she would get if the mess was found, she dropped to her knees and began gathering up the shards with her hands.

She dumped them in her pockets, ignoring the blood trickling from her fingers. Pain was nothing new.

Panic continued for some time. Emergency lights popped on, and one of the avoxes from the kitchen- Tace- pulled the girl to the side and signed to her that they were all meeting in the storeroom. The girl nodded, and followed Tace.

Uniformed avoxes encircled a room, leaning against the walls and crates. The head avox held up a whiteboard, and scribbled on it, There has been a breach. They aren't talking.

"They" meant the Gamemakers. Most news came from eavesdropping on them, but now there was nothing.

Something is very wrong.

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