Roger + Car

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Roger and Brian have been dating over a year and have gotten engaged. Their wedding is going to be in a month. A MONTH. Times goes by so fast. Roger was really excited and so was Brian. Nothing was going to prevent them from getting married. NOTHING

    Roger was driving a green car under an ugly rain. The rain got stronger and so did the wind. Roger started freaking out and CRASHED 3 cars. Uh-oh. His green car was ruined now. It wasn't that attractive but he was sad because he bought it with Brian. Now Brian was going to get mad because their car broke down. Roger didn't want to deal with polices and the people who the other cars belonged to. Luckily Roger saw Deacy driving and ran over and got in front of the car. John almost ran over Roger but stopped when he saw his bandmate in front of him. That was close. John opened the window. "Deacy help me! My car crashed and i need you to take me to the car shop" Roger says and gets inside John's car before he can respond. "Sure," John says offering to help his friend, i mean bandmate. 

They arrive to the car shop and Roger sees a beautiful gray car. Roger gets hearts in his eyes and runs over to it. Its love at first sight. how romantic. 

Roger buys the car

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Roger buys the car. "What are you going to tell Brian when he sees you with the gray car. Why did you buy THAT car. What about that green one over there?" John asks. "Shut up John. I want this car and i am going to keep it. Isn't she beautiful?" Roger says.

"you mean that ugly woman walking over there? I disagree with you Rog," 

"No my car. Isn't she beautiful?"

"I don't know. I'm going to leave. You are being weird today and i don't like it," John says as he walks away. Roger gets inside his car and drives it carefully trying not get it dirty or wet. Luckily the rain stopped and the sun dried the roads. Roger finally arrives and walks inside thinking about his car. "Hi sweetie," Brian says as Roger enters. "Hi" Roger responds walking and still dreaming about his car. 

Roger pulls out his journal and writes about his car. His beautiful car. Brian comes in and says,"Roger why is there an ugly gray car in our garage?"

Roger feels offended that his future husband called his car "ugly". "I bought it because  I LOVE THAT CAR!!!!" Roger cries and regrets the last part. "What? What about me? I thought you loved me but you love that stupid object that is taking space up in our garage??" Brian says feeling betrayed. "No, I I I broke our other car and that was the first car I found so i took it home," Roger says. "Oh, good! I was worried that you were going to ditch me for that piece of metal. Yes we can keep the car but tomorrow you take it back and get a new car. I don't want to see that piece of shit everyday!!!" Brian says relieved.

Oh damn, Roger thought. It was either Brian or the car.

Roger goes to Freddie and shows him "I'm in love with my car" and says "I want it on the B-Side of Bohemian Rhapsody"

"Are you crazy. What the hell is this? 'I'm in love with my car?' Nice joke Roger," Freddie says laughing and pats poor Roger's back. 

"Why don't you want to record it!!?" Roger says he starts to cry.

"This is ridiculous" Freddie says laughing.

Roger finds a cupboard, pulls it out and locks himself in it. "Roger get out of that cupboard," Freddie says. 

"Nope, I'm staying until you agree to record 'I'm In love with my car' and it gets on the B-side of Bohemain Rhapsody. Don't worry i'll sing it" Roger says inside the cupboard.

"NOPE," Freddie says and leaves.

A few days later, John Brian and Freddie are standing close to the cupboard. 

"Roger, love, please get out," Brian says.

"Not until Freddie agrees to do what i told him to," Roger says. 

"Freddie come on," John says. 

"Fine!! Yes Roger we'll record I'M in love with my car and we'll put on the B-Side of Bohemian Rhapsody!! I DON"T WANT TO DO THIS BUT I'LL DO IT!!!" Freddie says. 

Roger gets out of the cupboard and sings i'm in love with my car happily. Brian was feeling confused. What the hell is happening? Is Roger going to ditch him for the ugly piece of me-, i mean the gray car? "Roger, what is this song!!!!" Brian asks feeling stone cold crazy. "Uh, i , uh, wrote it, for fun, it doesn't mean anything," Roger says feeling guilty.

Days pass by

Brian is out buying their wedding gear. He needs to buy Roger's dress and his tuxedo. Meanwhile, Roger is in his garage. His car was turning him on, shining like the beauty she was. "Brian's not here so lets have some fun," Roger says as he takes his clothes off and gets under the car doing weird stuff.

An hour later, another car arrives(this is Brian's car). Roger gets up and tries to get his clothes but is caught red handed by Brian. 


"No! It's not what you think, " Roger says as he puts his clothes back on.

Brian runs to his room, locks the room, and cries.

The next day, Roger sees that his car is not in the garage. Where is it? Roger thinks to himself. Brian stole it!!!! Roger gets mad and runs out the street and finds his beautiful piece of metal, i mean car driving down the street. He gets in front of the car and unfortunatly gets run over. RiP

Never mind, he gets up and gets in front of the car at a stop sign. He opens the door and kicks Brian out on the street and drives over the hills and far away. Never to be seen ever again. He's now off i paradise with his car. Even though he loves Brian, or USED to love Brian. He will always prefer his beautiful gray car, i mean piece of metal, i mean car. 

Brian returned home and lived alone feeling sad. Who knows they might get together again? But for now, he's lonely and single while Roger is getting his lemon squeezed by his beautiful car. 

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