At the bottom of the stairs, we exited the building together.

"Why?" I asked not allowing my gaze to falter.

"Huh? Why what?" He asked back.

"You said before, 'I can't do that to my team.' Why?" I had been thinking about it sense he had said it.

"Well, a team is like a family, and you can't leave your family, right?" He smiled. I scoffed. If he knew my family, he would be saying something completely different. "Also, we just lost our kicker, so if I also got kicked off then everything will just go to shit for my team." He turned to me and smiled. "And I can't do that to family either." He walked over to a red Jeep in the front of the building. I walked towards the side walk, like I always do. "Hey Bakugo, where ya going?" Kirishima yelled me the question. I turned around to see he had one hand on the top of the door and one foot on the step.

"I walk to school because I don't own a car." I said with and shrug and turned back around.

"Hey I can give you a ride. It's no problem, really!" He called, smiling. I groaned, and turned back to look at him.

"Sure whatever." I slumped over to the car, still felling the pain of waking up so early again. I slouched into the front seat, besides Kirishima. "So, when did you kicker leave?" I asked while turning my head to look out the window. When he didn't answer I turned over to look at him. I hadn't noticed that he had turned the music up the music. It was the song 'Stronger' by the Score. He was mouthing the words and even exaggerating on the high notes, and keeping his eyes closed which was freaking the living hell out of me considering he was driving. When he finally saw I was looking, his face darkened to a shade of red, before he stared singing the words out loud, keeping his hands on the wheel.

"BUT YOU DIDN'T THINK I WOULD COME BACK TO LIFE!"He sang before looking at me, expecting me to finish the lyrics. I rolled my eyes.

"Stronger!" I yelled, not as loud as Kirishima, but loud enough. He smiled before laughing lightly before continuing to sing. I couldn't help but chuckle slightly. It was weird, but over the two weeks I had been rooming with him, I hadn't had a panic attack, I hadn't cried or screamed, I hadn't even opened my drawer. He kept making me smile, even when he did dumb shit, like accidentally walked into the wrong apartment because someone had left the door unlocked, or when he would screw up the laundry, or-, wait, was I keeping track of every stupidly cute things he was- SHIT, not cute just stupid. "Damnit!" I whisper yelled as I slapped my forehead. Kirishima looked at me, slightly concerned.

"You good man? You don't look so great." I looked over at him.

"Yes dumbass I'm fine. Just remembered, I uh- have a test today in one of my lectures."

He nodded. "I'm gonna fail my math test today." He said as he pulled into the parking lot.

"I'm sure you'll be fine." I mumbled. "If you need me to, during lunch I can tutor you. Try and help you understand the things you are confused on, I mean if you want." I mumbled while looking out the window, as he parked the car. He looked at me as his eyes widened, shining, his smile widened, showing all his shark teeth.

"Really? No way! Thanks Bakugo, that would be so awesome!" He opened his door and grabbed his bag out of the back seat.

"Sure, whatever. Just meet me by the courtyard during lunch." I took my out bag of the car with me.

"Alright, sounds good Bakubro!" He walked off waving a hand in the air, trying to call over one of his football friends. As I walked over to the entrance I saw two boys looking at me and whispering, one of them wearing a letterman jacket, identical to Kirishima's, with the number 15 on it. He was a football player. He had two-toned hair, and was whispering to a boy with green hair. They were both looking at me. I knew they were talking about me, but me but I just scowled and walked into the building. 'Annoying fucks' I thought.

My teacher was late to my first lecture. I was just sitting there on my phone.

"Um, excuse me? Are these seats taken?" I heard a quite voice ask above me. I looked up to see two boys starring at me. It was the boys from outside.

"No, but I don't want you to sit here. " I said looking back at them, but they were already sitting down. "Ya, know what? Never mind." I looked back at my phone.

"I'm Izuku Midoryia. This is my boyfriend Shoto Todoroki." The green haired boy said, with a huge smile on his face. To big.

"Katsuki Bakugo. Not nice to meet you." I grumbled. It took me a moment before I looked back them again. They both looked like me like I was crazy. They would be right.

"You're friends with Kirishima, right?" Todoroki asked, keeping his face as straight as it could be.

"He's my roommate, I wouldn't say friend." I said looking at each of their faces.

"Oh, well. You seem close." I glanced at them.

"What'd mean?" I asked.

"We saw you two-" "Ok, let me stop you right there. We are close. Friends. That's all."

"Hey, did you know he has something wrong with his brain, like he has a problem and he can't process information normally." Todoroki said looking at me with a blank expression. Something in me fell apart hearing those words. All I could mange was a

"W-what?" I looked at Midoryia.

"Shoto." He said, giving his boyfriend a look.

"What? Ya know if he fails one more test he's gonna be suspended or kicked off the football team." I let my eyes widen and mouth drop. I looked down at my feet and let the whole world go black around me. I had only known this guy for two weeks, and yet, even though I barely knew him, I knew that football meant more then him to anything. He smiled whenever it was the topic of conversation. He wore the letterman jacket everyday, he wore that piece of trash like he would loose it if he didn't. He had put up all his old trophies and football posters in his room before he put his clothes away. It was the most important thing in his life. So the fact, that he hadn't told me what would happen if he failed the test. made a small part of me break.

"Hey, Bakugo, are you ok?" Midoryia asked me, staring at me as I spaced out. Finally I looked up and stared at them.

"Yea, yea I'm fine." I mumbled slouching in my seat. "I-I have too go now, I'm sorry." I walked past them and out of the lecture hall. I ran down the hall to the bathroom and threw myself into a stall. This was a panic attack. I was having one for some reason. It was small. Minor. But it was on no less. My breathing wasn't coming as easy as it had been. I think it was because I had reacted to Kirishima's situation similar to how I reacted to words or memories from my past. Falling. I had fallen into darkness worrying about what would happen if he failed the test. His life would fall apart. So I would then do that too. I was having a panic attack for Kirishima.

What is happening to me?

A/N: Third chapter. This one gave a little info on Kiri. And Baku is realizing something. He He. I am so happy so many people have been reading this so much, It has way more attention then i thought it would. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Love ya'll!!!

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