"you're my sister."

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Corbyn:So you remember everything?
Corbyn:I'm sorry you had to go through what you did.You are a beautiful adorable girl and deserve the world.Might I also say you have a nice figure.
Me:Uh-thanks Corbyn.
Daniel:What the hell corbyn.Why are you saying that.She is mine first off and second off you are dating Christina.
Corbyn::Actually no im not.She cheated on me with some dude that goes to her college in New York.
Me:I'm sorry Corbyn for Christina and Daniel but I don't really want to be in a relationship right now.But in a while if you ask me out I will probably say yes.
Jack: I have a question for you,y/n.
Me:Yes Jack.
Jack:Who are your parents?We have never seen them.
Me:Oh um my parents put me up for adoption when I was born because apparently I was to much to handle.My Mom had a son two years before she had me.And I also have and older sister but I don't know how old she is.And the adoption center I was in told me I now have two other sisters.
Jack:That is literally like my family what a coincidence.
Me:I know my moms name though.
Zach:What is it?
Me:It is Kristin.
Jack:No fucking way.
Jack:I think You're my sister.
Me:I would Love that I've always wanted a sibling.
Jack:Let me go call my mom.

Jack's POV

I really hope y/n is my sister yes I have three other sisters but I'm not the closest with them because we don't live in the same state.But y/n does.I then dialed my momma's phone number.It rang two times before it Picked up.
Kristin:Hey Jacky what's up.
Me:Mom how many kids have you had.
Kristin:5 but I told you the fifth one passed away when I gave birth to her.
Me:Why are you lying to me mom.
Kristin:I'm not lying.
Me:oh really so you Didn't have a Girl name her y/n than put her up for adoption because she was too much to handle.
Kristin:Who told you this jack?
Me:Y/n did.
Kristin:My Baby is ok.I never thought she was alive.See what happened is I gave birth to Y/n I named her y/n May Avery.And then the doctor said he was going to check her hearing.He took her And I guess he put her up for adoption.Im going to fly out To LA I'll be there tomorrow afternoon.
Me:Okay mom Bye I love you.Have a safe trip.
Kristin:Bye Jack I love you and I will.
With that I hung up.I walked inside.
Zach:Dude why are you crying.
Jack:Guess Who has a fourth sister.Where is she by the way?
Corbyn:Bathroom.She should be down soon.

Y/n's POV

I told the boys I was going to the bathroom when in reality I was going to cut.Telling them my story reminded me.I wasn't being fully honest.I was put up for adoption at 5.But some random dude would beat me and r-rape me every day.Than he put me up for adoption.
It'll only hurt for a little bit I said to myself as I started the incision on my skin.I silently sobbed.I cut three times a day at least.No one notices.Not even My manager or the workers at Victoria Secret.I cut Five times on each arm.I was starting to feel a little lightheaded.I passed out.I woke up probably 30 ish minutes later to someone banging on the door.I called out "What" than someone in a muffled tone said "Are you okay you have been in the bathroom for almost and hour." I looked down and saw a pool of blood.
"I'm fine" I said my voice cracking and causing the person to kick the door down.It was Jack.He looked into my eyes then down to the floor where he saw the pool of my blood.
Jack:One day of being my sister.And you cut yourself.
Me:Jack I'm so-.Wait you're my brother?!?
Jack:Yes.Why would you do this to yourself?
Me:You don't understand all the hate I get on a daily Basis.People are telling me to kill myself calling me a slut.
Jack didn't say anything but he closed and locked the door and then pulled me into a hug.I miss having a shoulder to cry on.I cried and cried into his shoulder.My tears dampening his shirt.
Jack:Let's wrap your arms up than you can wear my sweatshirt ok.
Me:Okay Thank you so much Jack.
We hugged.Than he wrapped my arms with a bandage.Then gave me the sweatshirt he was wearing.We Headed downstairs to the other guys.
Me:Daniel can I talk to you.
Me:In private please?
Daniel:Be up to your room in a minute Okay?
As I was leaving I heard Jack.
Jack:I swear to god if you ever hurt her I will kill you.I mean it with all my heart.I just got her back.I will not lose her to you being a douche.Got it Daniel?
Daniel:Yes Jack.
I then ran to my room.I heard Daniel come to my room muttering a few things under his breath.Probably about Jack if I'm being honest.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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