Chapter 1: Better Than Batman

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Your POV

As you leapt over the rooftops, Adam ran as fast as he could to try and evade you. As he turned into a dead-end alley, you jumped down and cornered him. "Got you, you b*stard!" you aim your bo staff at him.
"Oh," he almost chuckled it, "Have you?"
Just then, he whistled and a bunch of White Fang members appeared out of nowhere. "You're alone, bird boy," he gloated, "No Batman to save you this time!"
You smile, flip over the first guy, and connect your staff with the second guy's head. After digging it into the third guy's kneecaps, you bash him around the jaw with it, and crack the forth guy's nose on your knee. Smirking, you face Adam, and say, "F*ck Batman!"
He draws his sword, and the two of you fight. As your weapons collide, you trip him up and pin him to the ground. "Robin learnt how to fly, eh?" Adam choked on his blood as he mocked you.
"I learnt how to fly a LONG time ago, Adam." you knock him out.
You hear sirens, and quickly escape the area. Arriving at Beacon, you sneak in through the window to see your teammates, Gar, Rachel and Kory, sleeping. You smile before you get out of your suit and flop onto the couch. Falling into a deep sleep, you look around to see you're in a circus tent. You look up to see your parents on the trapeze. Just as you smiled, you heard the bullet echo into your skull and watched them fall to their deaths. "Don't worry..." you felt a hand on your shoulder, "I'm here for you, Y/N..."

Velvet's POV

I woke up and unfolded my ears from in front of my eyes. Yawning, I saw the dorm was empty, so I got dressed and left. Thankfully, it was Saturday. As I stretched my back, I felt familiar hands tug at my ears. I yelped, and heard Cardin mock, "Morning, freak!"
"L-let go, Cardin!" I begged.
"HA!" he laughed, "Freaks like you don't get to boss the big me, I.E. ME, around!"
Just then, Cardin was tossed away, and I saw Russel, Sky and Dove beat to the ground by my boyfriend, Y/N Grayson. He's so dreamy for doing this. He then approached Cardin and growled, "What did I say last time I caught you bullying my bunny?"
"You'd *Ack*" Cardin struggled to talk as Y/N's fist clenched around his throat, "You'd have me kicked out of Beacon. You remember what I said?"
"Remind me." he smirked.
"I... Will NEVER stop bullying freaks like her!" he spat.
Y/N then grabbed the back of Cardin's head and bashed it against the wall. He then kicked him away and approached me. "You okay?" he asked.
"Y-yeah..." I stuttered.
Y/N then began to stroke my ears, soothing the pain. I slightly moaned, and he stared at my blushing face. He then hugged me tightly, and I hugged back. "Remember, Vel," he kissed my cheek, "I'm here if you need me."
"Thanks Y/N." I grabbed his cheek and we kissed passionately.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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