"I told you I was through with you," Marie told him and pointed at him in his face. "I told you I was done with you when you decided I wasn't good enough." Xavier looked at her with begging eyes. His eyes traveled from her face that showed anger to her hand that was in his face. Then he gently grabbed her wrist and started to suck her finger that was pointed.

She lost her train of thought. He pulled her closer and snaked his arms around her waist.

"Please, I need you, Marie," Xavier whispered. Tanner pulled her away from putting her on the other side of the elevator with him. He put his forehead against hers and their eyes connected.

"Remember, he broke your heart, Marie," Tanner said whispering in her ear. Then he nibbled on it and he started to kiss her on her neck and he even licked her on her cheek kissing her. She looked at the elevator number it finally reaches 5 she pushed through and got off. Leaving Xavier and Tanner on the elevator.

She didn't care if they tore themselves apart. Tanner looked in confusion and once he saw that she was on the other side of the door he tried to get off but the door closed before he could. She got up and breathed it should give her some time before they end up on the fifth floor again.

She had another co-worker take care of the trash cans and another to do the bathroom. She just needed to do the windows of the conference room.

"You are the type of white man that I detest." Xavier started. "Live off of Daddy's money until he passes the business to you. You think you can have anything or anyone that you want. You don't understand the word 'No'. You are just going to use her like she isn't worth anything. Another white man just wanted to use a black woman for his sexual purposes, disgusting."

"You don't know me or my family to judge me," Tanner said. "My father worked his ass off starting this business. I was fifteen and I worked with him when he first opened and I worked just as hard as he did."

"Still doesn't change the fact that you just want to use Marie," Xavier said facing him.

"I love Marie, she is not just an infatuation," Tanner said looking at him. "I've been wanting her for months and when I finally get her she is afraid. She is afraid to love again because of you and I won't let you sit here and judge who I am."

"I don't care how rich you are, she can't be bought."

"You don't think I know that," Tanner said. "She is priceless and the only one I want. There is no one like Marie. The feeling that we have between me and her is most likely way better than what you two use to have."

"You don't know what I and she had!"

"I know it's not like ours though," Tanner said. "I can still taste her on my time from the first time I finally had her," Tanner watched Xavier's face showed anger. He smirked "And I must say you were a fool to ever cheat on her. Who would ever want to trade such sweetness for something else? Now I must admit we skips some steps but I know what I want and that is a lifetime with her."

"I know your corny ass didn't sleep with her," Xavier said in disbelief. "You probably don't even know how to handle Marie."

"That night with her was so amazing and I'll be damned if you have her heart again after you broke it. I would fire you but I don't need a lawsuit for false fire, and you are one of my best employees so I'm not going to let this get in the way. Just know this if you ever over step with Marie I'll make your life hell and that's a promise."

They had been bickering for so long the finally made it to the top floor. Tanner press the button to go back to the 5th floor.

It was a long silence going from the 25th floor to the 5th floor. Marie was finished cleaning the windows and she was on the other side of the floor when she heard the elevator. Tanner and Xavier both stepped off the elevator and scanned the room. She had already made it to the emergency steps.

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