part 6

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Emi's Pov

We started to walk back to Maou's house and I looked at his hand. It looked so different from his demon form hand. I went for it and grabbed it lightly. He grabbed it back and held his fingers in mine. We reached his house and he pulled my off to the side of the apartment building. His eyes glowed a fierce red. "Maou what are you doing." If it was me from a few months ago I would've pulled my celestial blade, but I trusted him with everything I have. He wouldn't hurt me even if it killed him and it paid off. He pushed me against the wall lightly and kissed me. I was taken aback and shocked. After a few seconds he let go. "I'm sorry Emi I couldn't control myself." He looked down at the ground like he did a bad thing. He did the absolute opposite of wrong. "You don't have to be." I pulled his face towards mine and kissed him deeply. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me in. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Come on Maou and Emi. Don't make a show for the rest of the entire world." I heard Lucifer's voice and pulled apart from Maou and summoned my blade. It took Maou's house key and ran up the stairs to his apartment. I opened the door and Lunged at Lucifer. He dodged and my blade stabbed through the wall. "Emi what's your problem." I looked at Lucifer who held up one of Alciel's frying pans. "You weren't supposed to see that Lucifer." I was about to strike him, but my blade was stopped. I could feel it was stopped by magic. I looked at the front door and saw Maou holding out his hand. He pulled his hand towards him and took my sword away almost knocking me over in the process. He couldn't hold it because it was a heavenly object, but he held it in the air. "Emi please don't kill one of my Generals. I only have 2 left." I disepated my sword and sat on the ground. I looked at Alceil who looked struck with fear while holding a frying pan in the air as well. "Alciel calm down everything is fine. Lucifer just saw something that he wasn't supposed to see." Maou looked at Lucifer with red eyes. He pretend zipped his mouth shut and then Maou gave Alciel the ingredients. He looked over the ingredients and confirmed everything was there. Alciel came by me and gave me a cup of water. "You know Emi Lucifer wasn't the only one to see what happened out there." I almost coughed up my cup of water. "Don't worry King Satan has forbidden me from interfering in any negative way when it comes to his and your personal matters." At least he's trying to keep it a secret. Is it really a secret if basically the only family he has is right in the room. "Thanks Alciel. By the way should we be calling you your real name since someone from Ente Isla might find out." He thought for a second. "It's fine I prefer this then my other name." Even if someone from Ente Isla comes here there's so many people that they will think that He's the real Alciel. "Sorry Emi, but I have to get cooking before King Satan gets hungrier than he already is." He got up and went onto cooking. I wonder how he got so good at it though. Maou came over to me and sat by me. "Don't worry Emi nobody from Ente Isla will come and get you. I have to be blunt real quick. That angel that we fought most likely told your people that you fought along side me. You might be considered a traitor to your people." Those words stuck to me like glue. I might be a traitor. "Everything that I've done was for nothing if my people don't like me anymore." Maou came from behind and hugged me. "We don't know if you're a traitor Emi. You've stopped the demon King right, wasn't that your entire mission." He's right of course, bit it still stuck with me. "My race as well. All the demons might be gone as well you know. We've all made sacrifices as to ensure the safety of both our races. I never wanted to hurt you Emi. I only wanted to protect the demons. Once that war started the only way it could end is if one of our sides one. It's been so many years since it started. I don't even remember why it started anymore. It's funny really." He started to hug me tighter. "It's ok Maou everything is Better now. We both one for both our people." Alciel started to bring the food to the table so we sat down and ate a wonderful meal.


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