chapter LII: the adventures of girl woman and corporal corporal

Start from the beginning

"This is Ruby Rose, co ambassador of the Faunas free rights movement, she's under our protection until she's in Atlas with miss Schnee" Corporal Korporal informed motioning to where I was sitting munching on butter cookies, while Mädchen splinted his arm

"She doesn't look like much of a ambassador" the woman then said tapping her chin, I found out her name is achally Petra Pine, not that I would remember, achally I would, she gave me sweets.

"Apparently miss Schnee thought a wolven Faunas would be a better option other then a human who's heir to the SDC, and no better ambassador then the young miss' girlfriend" he said sighing slightly "initially the plan was to accompany her on a airbus to Atlas with the rest of the evacuation, but since wolven Faunas are incredibly hard to move when stressed we missed the busses so we flew a speedship Destin to Argus, but there is a lancer field above your farm"

"The lancer field is a few miles back, you must have dragged them a fair way, probably why your not right dead now"

"They did try and get this one, but luckily she had Frau's armour on"

"And you agreed with me, she looked cute" Mädchen chriped cheerfully, as she finished her neat splint "alright you next, you've been rather lame on that shoulder" she said pulling me over to her as I growled gripping onto the table, that is until she hooked her arm around the plate of butter cookies and pulled them infront of her. "Now your my friend" she smirked as I came over to her nibbling on the little biscuits while she poked and prodded at my shoulder.

"She did look very cute" Corporal Korporal agreed making Petra smile, sipping on her tea. "But she's not here to play dress up"

"What are your names?you know mine and I know her's"

"Ah, I'm corporal David Korporal, this is Mädchen Frau, we are wolven Faunas specialists, and military personnel"

"Corporal twice? Weird parents"

"No, you miss understood, my rank is corporal my last name is korporal with a K" he laughed.

"I struggled to understand that, let alone miss steal all my biscuits" she said almost scowling at me.

"They're good~" I whined making her scowl turn into a small smile, that is until I almost bit the person pokeing a massive angry mark on my shoulder.

"Let her go, your not going to get anything done with her like that" Petra then interrupted as Mädchen quickly let go. watching as I rolled my shoulder did the woman smelling strokingly of pine needles walk closer her eyes squinting "You need to recognise what kind of personality you are dealing with, otherwise you'll have an angry Faunas biting you, I highly doubt she will though, that jaw must be very sore"

I just looked at her half way between shock and annoyance, she just walked over to me rapping her arm under my arms and pulling me over to her side of the table, making sure to set the plate of butter cookies infront of me as I curled my tail around myself, feeling her rub over my shoulders. "Off" I said pushing at her before her arm rapped back around my chest squeezing me lightly.

"No" she just said rubbing along my back, almost making me melt into her arms "She did nothing too serious, it was just nocked the wrong way" she concluded before I started to nibble on her sleeve pulling at the fabric. "Look at you, I thought something was off" she smiled stroking over my ears as I huffed.

"She doesn't let me even get close to her" Corporal Korporal grumbled.

"What are you saying? She got pretty close to you when she tried to smash your head into the wall" Mädchen snickered as I giggled remembering his shouts of complaint.

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