chapter LII: the adventures of girl woman and corporal corporal

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"There" Mädchen Frau, said smiling at me while Corporal David Korporal smirked, I was just sitting there in the lady soldier's armour. My tail wagging slightly behind me as Mädchen carefully put her helmet on my head, the visor up and my ears down. "You look combat ready!" She chriped making me giggle, taking hold of the corners of my cloak and flapping it slightly. The bond woman clapped her hands while I inspected the armour, it wasn't too heavy and it felt like it could hold up to a few hits, the headvest and the strongest part seemed to be the helmet.

"Hang on" the corporal then said getting up as the scanners started to beep. I just sat confused on what's going on "lancers" he growled as an image of a giant wasp filled my mind... I'm scared of bees! Never mind giant wasps! I yelped when a massive hook made of bone penetrated the speedship's hull, speedships are ment to be faster then lancers! "You fly over anima and this is what you get" corporal Korporal growled charging into the cabin and grabbing a rifle to shoot off the stinger as three more penetrated the metal ship, at this point I could hear the humming of wings. I growled pulling out my concealed knife and sawing though as many of these annoying stingers as I could but as Mädchen pulled me away from the walls I got the message that it was pointless. "We're like a can of sardines here" he growled as the humming got louder, metal crunched and groaned as the engine failed to over come the Grimm. "Frau, hold her" he ordered just as the speed ship was ripped in two, cracking open like a very advanced and expensive egg. I screamed ducking into a tight ball to feel a stinger bounce off the helmet I was still wearing until a body gripped onto my shirt as my rushing decent quickened.

This stunt only lasted around twenty seconds as there was a horrible crack filled my ears, a cry of pain, and then an impact, a relatively soft impact that punched all the air out of me. I gasped, coaghing and I felt a lot of hay, in fact I was on top of a huge pile of it in a barn with a huge hole in the roof, that must cause a few leaks, whoever owns this barn should really get that fixed. "Ow~" someone groaned, it wasn't Corporal Korporal he was rolling about with gritted teeth holding onto his arm.

That means it must be... "Mädchen!" I squeaked clambering over the piles of hay as my shoulder ached and complained about movement, but I rather quickly found the soldier, who smiled looking at me.

"Well hello" she said pushing herself up and taking her helmet off my head. "Are you ok?" She asked as I nodded slipping off the hay pile and shivering, I really did hate hay, after that one time I sat with beast and I found a load of "not mud" I will never look at hay the same way again.

And then this weird sound reached my ears, it was like chirping but really low and not from a raven or even a crow. "What is this?" I asked crouching down infront of a fat bird thing that had small little wings and was brown, maybe it was some kind of duck, Weiss said that there was lots of different types of ducks not just the white ducks with orange mouthes.

"Its a chicken" someone else said, I looked to see a woman, who was about my mother's age, she was holding a pitchfork very much like the one my stepmother threatened the new teacher with accept this one was pointed at me, making me back up "be glad you fell in this here barn or you probably won't be standing" she said putting the pitchfork down "Where are your parents little girl?" She asked as I just stared at her, before scrambling back up the hay pile, pulling at the delirious Mädchen.

"Y-yeah I'm coming" she said holding onto her head and helmet while she slid down the side of the hay pile  to meet with this woman. Mädchen almost instantly made eye contact with the scary lady "Atlas military escort, sorry about the inconvenience but we have appeared to have crashed into your barn" she said looking around as Corporal Korporal continued to roll about before finally slipping down the hay pile clutching his arm.

The woman just looked at us thinking before she sighed "do you want some tea?"

-{ line brake }-

(RWBY) castles that tower above the horizonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora