It follows

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I suppose now that I've published my other story I can continue my tale before my death. For those of you wondering, yes I'm on my death bed so I have limited time to tell the aftermath. You see I'm seventeen, tall, black hair, grey eyes, and my name is Drake. I live in the run down abandoned part of Tennessee. So after me and my mother arrived back in Tennessee, she had a look on her face that described pure fear. As soon as we got home, I burned my clothes and showered until my skin was numb from the water pressure. Those following nights were very peaceful as I lied in my bed thinking of all the possible reasons of that night. it was two days before I even looked at the blood infested laptop. I slowly opened it and clicked the power button. All my files were deleted except three files. The first one stated "It follows". A immense chill went down my back as I swung my fist around, along with my body. Alas there was nothing there and I thought I was loosing my mind. I sunk back into my chair and paranormal thoughts filled my mind.


I hear my mother's scream and leap out of chair and down the hall.


I had slipped on my own mothers blood. I got up with tears filling my eyes. There it was, the twisted limbed monster with sharp pointed teeth in a row and those eyes.... Those yellow eyes locked with mine. It let out a blood gurgling shriek, and then it all went dark.

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