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Amara’s POV.

The train’s accelerating rumble gradually pulled me back into consciousness. I winced as a severe ache shot up my back, realizing I was lying on the hard floor of the train. The cargo car was stacked with empty boxes, destined for the capital city.

Masha was seated beside me, engrossed in her laptop. My gaze fell upon her, and I knew she was aware of me, despite her fixation on the screen. It was a good thing Masha was here, she most likely had to threaten her husband again to escape her own home.

“Be grateful I was able to find you, or you could have died from the cold in the middle of the forest,” she said, as if it were a huge help. I smirked and took a seat beside her, leaning over to catch a glimpse of what was on the screen.

She was monitoring the perimeter of the Dark Crescent Pack, which was ruled by the Alpha King. Both I and Masha were members of the pack, under his reign.

“What do you mean I could have died from the cold? I am a wolf!” I couldn’t help but retort.

She only laughed and flipped her hair to the left, a small smirk playing on her lips. “By the way, what are you doing there? Fortunately, your tracking device is working and I found you right away.”

I was grateful to know that she had been worried about me. Since the two had married their fated mates, they could no longer join me in the field. Remi was an informant and planner, while Masha was computer literate and served as the pack’s guardian.

“I accepted it,” I admitted, my voice meek.

Her eyes widened with both relief and concern. She leaned in, whispering, “You accepted it?”

I glanced out the window and noticed the first rays of sunlight creeping over the horizon. It had been a long night of restless sleep and tumultuous thoughts.

“Axel’s cruelty was too much to bear,” I explained, my voice laced with bitterness. "I gave him a chance to change his mind, but he chose power over me.”

The conflicting emotions swirling inside me threatened to overwhelm me, and I gasped in an attempt to quell them.

Masha placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. “It’s time to move on, Amara.”

I nodded, agreeing with her. “I had feelings for him for so long, but now it’s time to let him go. I need to get over him,” I said with determination.

“The Moon Goddess has a plan for you,” she said, her words sounding almost mystical.

I shook my head defensively, my eyes rolling. “No, thank you. She might have something worse in store for me,” I refused, my tone final.

Masha burst out laughing, her eyes widening in amusement. She immediately covered her mouth to stifle the sound, realizing that we were on a train and that laughing too loudly was illegal. She was so cheap. She didn’t even take a cab.


Dark Crescent Pack Council of Royalty Hall. The sign above the imposing building loomed large, a reminder of the responsibility I bore as the Alpha King’s shadow protector. I scanned the surroundings with the trained eye of a seasoned protector, mindful of the present danger that lurked in the shadows.

I knew that any misstep could leave the Alpha King vulnerable to harm, and so I took great care to ensure my movements were deliberate and calculated. The safety of the Alpha King rested on my shoulders, and I knew that I had to be at my best if I was to keep him safe.

The Council’s selection process was rigorous, and only the most capable protectors were entrusted with the task of keeping the Alpha and the Royal Family out of harm’s way. Our training had started from childhood, honing our skills and developing our instincts until we were able to move with the stealth and agility of a pack warrior. I couldn’t help but reflect on the weight of this responsibility, a mantle that had been passed down from generation to generation.

I met General Hector in the hallway and bowed my head in his presence. He acknowledged me with a half-smile.

“How’s life treating you, Amara?” he asked.

“Good, General,” I replied.

General Hector was more than just a mentor to me; he was family, a true father figure to me. His kind heart, boundless talent, and an impressive breadth of knowledge were unmatched. I had come to trust him with anything, and I knew I could always count on him, no matter what.

He chuckled, shaking his head and messing up my hair. I couldn’t help but jerk away, scowling at his playful antics.

“Amara, it’s been great seeing you again,” he said, a sense of urgency in his voice. “Unfortunately, I have to go now. See you soon.”

With a wave goodbye, he strode down the silent hallway, his figure shrinking until it was nothing more than a distant speck.

I approached Commander Iris’ office. As the one who gave us orders, she had an air of authority that made me feel slightly uneasy. I raised my hand to knock on the door and found her absorbed in a book.

How could she manage to read calculus or an encyclopedia without feeling dizzy?

“Come in, Amara,” she said, looking up from her book and removing her glasses. Her warm smile put me at ease as I took a seat across from her.

Commander Iris was a fascinating individual, like myself, she was half werewolf and half witch. However, unlike me, she had the ability to heal, which she inherited from her dwarf grandmother. I couldn’t help but marvel at how she managed to embody three different supernatural abilities – a half werewolf, a witch, and a healer. Healers were called dwarfs, a term reserved for those with the power to heal.

“I summoned you here because the Alpha King’s birthday is approaching,” she said, her eyes fixed on me. The news didn’t come as a surprise since everyone had been talking about it for weeks.

“And?” I responded, curious to know what she had in mind.

“Remi confirmed just this morning that rouges will be gate-crashing on Saturday,” she continued, a tone of concern lacing her words. “I want you to be nearby. We know the Alpha King can defend himself, but we need to be more cautious. You’re probably aware of what will occur if something bad happens to him.”

A sudden chill ran down my spine as I realized the gravity of the situation. If the Alpha King was harmed, it would lead to chaos among the pack, resulting in a wave of violence that no one could control.

“One more thing, Alpha Damien will choose his mate this upcoming Saturday…”

Her words hung in the air, leaving me stunned. The Alpha would finally choose his mate?

My eyes widened as I let out an exclamation of shock. It was a reaction that seemed to come out of nowhere, considering what had just been said wasn’t out of the ordinary. I mean, having a mate was always a possibility if the Moon Goddess willed it. But maybe it was because Alpha Damien was not your ordinary person, and his choice of a mate would be a significant event. It was not every day that the Alpha King decided to select his mate, and the news of it was enough to take me by surprise. This was the first time, in all my years of serving him, that I had ever heard he was going to choose his Luna. I couldn’t help but wonder who would be the lucky one to capture his heart.

Commander Iris, who was grinning from ear to ear, appeared to enjoy my stunned reaction. “I know, right? It’s about time. After all these years, we’re finally going to have a queen in our pack!”

I nodded, thrilled at the prospect of having a queen in our midst. In a pack, a Luna was essential. The Alpha’s choice of a mate would reassure pack members that there would be an heir, and the pack would be stronger with a Luna.

The thought of meeting her filled me with anticipation. I wondered what kind of person she would be, how she would carry herself, and how she would interact with the pack members. All these questions raced through my mind, and I couldn’t wait to have them answered.

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