"I can hear you!" Louis shouts.

"No you can't!" Paige counters, then in a quieter tone. "Anyways, thanks for coming along. I don't know what'd I'd do without you. Especially since Danielle and Eleanor couldn't come."

"Why not?" I ask shifting in my seat. 

"Eleanor has a test and Danielle is-" She pauses, cocking her head. "I'm actually not sure what Danielle is doing, but knowing her work schedule, it's probably another rehearsal of some sort."

"Sounds like a busy girl," I observe.

"You have no idea," She replies sadly, and then in a hushed tone, she adds, "I just feel bad for Liam."

"And why is that?" I furrow my brow in curiosity.

Paige pauses, as if debating with herself, and then shrugs. "You know, uh, just forget I said anything."

I slowly nod my head knowing that she probably shouldn't talk to me about what's going on with the boys. Especially since I'm a complete stranger. Why should they trust me? 

Awkwardly, I look over my shoulder, desperate to find a change of topic. My eyes land on a rack of dresses ranging from strapless to off the shoulder. Without a word, I get up from my seat and make my way to the rack, pulling off the first dress that came into view. I feel Paige's brown eyes on me as I turn, holding up the dress.

"So, do you need a dress for this super fantastic wedding?" I ask with a sly smile.

Paige gets up, returning the smile. "Well, I had one I planned on wearing."

"But, did that dress have lace?" I ask, handing over the dress. 

"Well, no, bu-"

"And would it be bad if you got a new dress?" I ask convincingly.

"No," She trails off, examining the dress. "I guess not."

"Then try it on."

Her gaze turns to mine. "But, you have to try one on too."

I shake my head. "I don't need a dress though."

Not to mention that I can't afford it unless I sold my left leg. I know Paige is just trying to make me feel more comfortable, but that's not the half of it. 

"So? Try it on for fun. Thats not a crime," she says throwing her dress over her arm. Picking out a strapless red dress from the rack and handing it to me. "Now, come on."

I don't have to be told twice.


"Maddy?" Paige calls over to me from her dressing room.

"Yeah?" I ask as I stare at myself in the mirror.

It's almost hard to believe. Here I am, Maddy Green, a homeless girl in an expensive dress. Granted, I'm not buying it, but I'm wearing it nonetheless and it feels perfect. The heart shape neckline, the ribbon at my waist. It shows off all my curves and the bright red really stood out against my pale skin. What I would do if I could wear this dress. It's even prettier than my prom dress; that is before Gilbert Sullivan threw up chunks all over it. 

"Can you zip me up?" Paige asks.

"Of course," I say as I pull back the curtain, stepping out. 

However, once I do that, I come face to face with four very well dressed boys, all looking at me with large smiles. 

"Wow, Maddy, you clean up nicely," Louis observes, crossing his arms over his chest. 

I let out a half laugh. "Well, I can say the same to you all. You look wonderful."

I look at each of the boys, admiring their tuxes. Louis is sporting a plain black, fitted suit with a thin tie, Harry is dressed in a grey suit with a matching bow tie, Liam is wearing a navy blue suit with a tie, and Zayn is wearing a black suit with grey on the collar. There is no doubt, the boys look ready to rock the wedding. 

"Well, you know, this doesn't come naturally," Zayn says popping his grey collar as if he is trying to be modest.

"Speak for yourself, mate," Liam jokes. 

"Yeah, I don't know about you lot, but I'm naturally beautiful," Louis insists as everyone cracks up laughing.

"Speaking of beautiful," Harry says looking around. "Where's my girlfriend?"

"Just in there, I need to zip her up," I say pointing towards the dressing room. "One second.

I step into Paige's dressing room, and my eyes immediately fall on Paige. She looks stunning. The lace neck-lining against her tan skin looks amazing and not to mention the dress is hugging her in all the right places. 

"Wow," Paige says turning to me. "You look great."

"Me? You are going to look so pretty at this wedding," I say as walk around her, trying to find the zipper.

"You think?" She asks, blushing slightly.

"Of course," I smile as I zip up her dress with ease. "Now, go show off that dress to your boyfriend."

With a deep breath, Paige steps out of the dressing room and the moment she does, a chorus of wolf whistles and shouts come her way. I smile to myself as I step out and see Harry practically drooling over Paige as she shyly runs her hands down the length of her dress.

"So?" She asks, directing her question at Harry, however the boys answer for him.

"Dang, Paige! Who knew you could wear a dress," Zayn comments.

"Yeah, I almost didn't recognize you without your faded jeans," Louis adds.

"Quit it, guys," Harry says, taking a step towards Paige. He wraps his arms around her waist, looking at her deeply, as if she were the only person in the room. "You look beautiful, like always."

Paige blushes madly as she wraps her arms around his neck. "So, get it?"

"Of course," Harry answers.

"You both should," Liam adds nodding towards me.

My eyes widen. "Oh, no. I wasn't planning on buying it. This was just for fun, right Paige?"

She drops her hands from Harry's neck and then looks my way. "Well, that dress does look amazing on you. Who knows, you may need a reason to wear it someday."

Yeah, I highly doubt that. Unless there is like a National Ball For the Homeless, I won't have another reason to wear a dress this fancy. Ever. 

"I can't get this," I tell them truthfully. 

"And why not?"

"Because I don't have my wallet," I tell them, making up another excuse.

There. Hopefully that got them off my back. How can I buy a dress if I didn't have my wallet? Or money for that matter. 

"Excuse me?" a voice chimes in from behind. I turn around and spot a small woman with thick black hair, and a name tag that read Joan. She is smiling up at me. 

"Yes?" I ask.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation," she tells me. "But we can hold your dress for you for two weeks if you don't have your wallet at this moment."

I purse my lips, trying hard not to get mad at this lady for making everything worse. Why did she have to speak up? Why couldn't she stay out of my business? I was handling everyone just fine until she poked her rather large nose into my business. 

"See!" Paige says happily. "You can get it now."

"Yeah," I say, begrudgingly. "Awesome."

"So it's settled then?" The worker asks, smiling at all of us. "If you're all set, I can check you all out and put your dress on hold. Just go change out and I'll meet you up at the counter."

Everyone nods and heads back to their dressing rooms. Begrudgingly, I turn on my heel, heading back. Ten minutes later, Joan is ringing up the boys and their tuxes, along with Paige's new dress. I stand several feet behind them, shifting on my feet nervously for my turn. I guess all of this would be so much easier if I just told them all that I'm broke, but I'm already so far in that if I all of a sudden tell them this, won't they be upset? They'll probably send out a worldwide message stating that Maddy Green is a dirty liar. I can't back out now. I just have to keep this up until Niall takes me back to my apartment. 

After that, all this will be all over.

"Can I have your dress?" the lady, Joan, asks me, holding her hand out.

I take the remaining steps to the counter and place the dress in her hand. I look over my shoulder and spot everyone standing off to the side, waiting for me. I lean towards Joan and whisper, "So, what exactly happens if I don't come back to claim my dress in two weeks?"

"We'll have no choice but to put it back on the racks," She answers professionally. "But that won't happen, right? This dress looked absolutely gorgeous on you."

I nod my head, fully knowing that she is just trying to kiss my ass. What she didn't know is that she's sucking up to the wrong person. I can barely afford a pair of underwear at a place like this. 

"So, name?" Joan asks.

"Maddy Green."


"Um, like email address?" I ask, getting nervous. 

"No, your home address."

"Why do you need my home address?" I reply, trying hard to calm my nerves. 

"This is just the process," Joan tells me looking up at me curiously. 

I look over my shoulder once more, hoping no one is looking at me. Luckily, Louis is entertaining the boy's, flailing his arms wildly as he told some story. Just as I'm about to turn my gaze away, I catch Zayn's eyes, looking at me curiously. 

Before I gave away too much, I turn back towards the counter. "Um, on second thought, I don't want the dress. Thanks, though."

I quickly walk away from the counter before Joan can get another word out, not like she could change my mind. I'm dead set on not getting the dress. I reach the boys and Paige just as Louis finishes his story.

"So, is everything all set?" Zayn asks, eyeing me. "Is dress on hold?"

I nod my head, avoiding eye contact. "Yup, everything's perfect."

And just like that, I dug myself in deeper.



Wow, almost a week since I last updated! I missed you all! D: 

But in my defense, I had possibly the worst week in the history of worst weeks...I'm not going into detail but man am I glad for the weekend! PHEW! :D

I know this chapter is a bit boring, It's more of a filler...But it's a necessary chapter. The next one will be when they go back to the apartment! YAY! :D 

-------> Paige and Maddy's dresses! :D :D or something like them... I picture Paige's to be a little bit more puffy on the skirt, but that's the closest i found!:D

I LUFF YOU ALL! I'm almost at 2,000 total votes and 1,000 reads and 100 votes for MLS! AHHH! DREAMS DO COME TRUE! :D You guys rock! 

And thanks for the dedications and messages! You guys are amazing! I love getting them! They make me feel so cool! :D

I updated my "About Me" I added an email address for you guys to contact me with, and the complete list of the stories of the One Direction Affection Series! I have all the post thought out! But titles may change, but right now, that's what they are until I find something more fittning and cooler :P

Until chapter 5! :D


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