Joel's phone buzzed on the nightstand aside his head, his hand lazily smacking the bright screen that illuminated his dark, black curtain-covered room.

He shut his phone off and turned it over, groaning and shuffling in his bed. He curled his toes under the covers, the early morning air seeping through his open windows nipped at his feet.

Just as Joel began drifting off to sleep, another vibration shook his nightstand, making Joel angrily shake awake.

"What the fuck do you fucking want, goddammit?" Joel said angrily through clenched teeth as his grip on his phone tightened. He read a long thread of messages from an unknown number.

unknown~ hey this is ahren

unknown~ you awake?

unknown~ you're probably not. hell, it's 3 am

unknown~ text me, we needa hang out, just me n u

unknown~ let me know when you wake up, ok?

Joel rolled his eyes at the spammed messages and typed in his passcode.

joel~ hey man, I'm trying to sleep here. I'll hit you up later.

Breathing heavily in hopes that Ahren would leave him alone until the morning, he laid his phone down under his pillow and rolled onto his side, pulling his soft blanket up to his tattooed neck and curling himself as tight into a ball as possible. His free hand held his knees close to his chest whilst his other hand grasped tight on the black comforter that matched the gothic look of his bedroom.

Joel's eyelids closed peacefully over his ocean coloured eyes; he looked like the most perfect angel as he slept.

Another vibration from his iPhone made Joel grasp his phone with the hand that held his knees and throw his phone across the room, not even reading the message that had bothered him.

"Fucking hell," Joel muttered groggily as he heard the sound of glass shattering on the ground, peeking at his wall with one eye open. He saw an indentation in the white drywall, and when too lazy to get up and investigate his phone, curled back up and fell back asleep.

Waking up several hours later from restlessness, Joel got up from his bed and checked his phone that laid in several pieces on the hardwood floor, "Shit," Joel groaned, rubbing the side of his face tiredly. He stared down at the glass pieces on the ground blankly, too exhausted to think of something to do.

He put a sweater over his chilly bare torso and roamed down his stairs to the kitchen. Met by his sock-less feet was his black and white dog named Dondi, energetic and ready to play.

"Good morning, Dondi," Joel said, petting the side of the dog's face after getting showered with slobbery kisses from the happy pet.

Dondi responded with a pant and bark as Joel returned to his normal height, leaning on his hands and sighing, "Dondi, I've just broken my phone. I don't know what the fuck I'm gonna do now, I guess I'll have to get a new one."

Dondi sat and stared hopefully up at his exhausted owner. "You wanna go outside, boy?" Joel asked.

Dondi's ears perked up at the mention of his favourite place on earth; the backyard. "Come on, then," Joel made his way to the back of the house, letting out his energetic dog whilst he made coffee.

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